
Sustainable Energy News

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North Pacific Gyre, Atlantic Ocean, Oceans, Ocean, Marine debris, Indian Ocean

@cleantechnica shared
On Sep 7, 2022
Ocean Plastic Pollution Or Not, The Show Must Go On

Ocean Plastic Pollution Or Not, The Show Must Go On

Underwater explorers, photographers and cinematographers encounter ghost gear and other ocean plastic pollution, but solutions are at hand.

@cleantechnica shared
On Sep 7, 2022
Ocean Plastic Pollution Or Not, The Show Must Go On
Ocean Plastic Pollution Or Not, The Show Must Go On

Ocean Plastic Pollution Or Not, The Show Must Go On

Underwater explorers, photographers and cinematographers encounter ghost gear and other ocean plastic pollution, but solutions are at hand.

Ocean Conservancy Assumes Leadership of Global Ghost Gear Initiative ahead of Our Ocean Conference

Ocean Conservancy Assumes Leadership of Global Ghost Gear Initiative ahead of Our Ocean Conference

Transition Represents Significant Expansion of NGO’s Trash Free Seas® Program

Plastic rafting: the invasive species hitching a ride on ocean litter

Plastic rafting: the invasive species hitching a ride on ocean litter

There is now so much ocean plastic that it has become a route for invasive species, threatening native animals with extinction

It might be the world’s biggest ocean, but the mighty Pacific is in peril

It might be the world’s biggest ocean, but the mighty Pacific is in peril

By Jodie L. Rummer, Bridie JM Allan, Charitha Pattiaratchi, Ian A. Bouyoucos, James Cook, Irfan Yulianto and Mirjam van der Mheen | - The Pacific Ocean is the deepest, largest ocean on ...

There Is Plastic 'Everywhere,' Says Guy Swimming Across Pacific Ocean

There Is Plastic 'Everywhere,' Says Guy Swimming Across Pacific Ocean

Ben Lecomte began his swim on the coast of Japan and has already swum more than 1,200 nautical miles.

Baby fish have started eating plastic. We haven’t yet seen the consequences

Baby fish have started eating plastic. We haven’t yet seen the consequences

Newborn fish are mistaking tiny bits of trash for food. If they die, there’ll be fewer big fish—and that could rattle the food chain.

Floating device created to clean up plastic waste in the Pacific Ocean isn't doing its job

Floating device created to clean up plastic waste in the Pacific Ocean isn't doing its job

A system intended to reduce plastic pollution in the Pacific Ocean is not yet producing results after a couple of months at sea.

The Continued Boondoggle of the Ocean Cleanup

The Continued Boondoggle of the Ocean Cleanup

As failure continues to plague the Ocean Cleanup, the multi-million dollar venture still hasn't collected plastic. Was this all easily avoidable? Yes.

Plastic Pollution

Plastic Pollution

This article was first published in September 2018.

Huge amounts of abandoned fishing gear litter the world's oceans

Huge amounts of abandoned fishing gear litter the world's oceans

Hundreds of thousands of tonnes of abandoned fishing gear litter the world’s oceans. In some areas, the lost gear accounts for 30 per cent of the catch

Refillable Containers Cut Plastic Waste, So Why Don’t People Use Them? (#CleanTechnica Interview)

Refillable Containers Cut Plastic Waste, So Why Don’t People Use Them? (#CleanTechnica Interview)

Kao has helped its customers in Japan kick the disposable plastic bottle habit for consumer and household products, now it's ready to take on the



Plastic accumulating in our oceans and on our beaches has become a global crisis, with a direct and deadly effect on wildlife. The Center is working to stop plastic pollution at the source.