
Climate Change

There's no issue more pressing on the global agenda than climate change. With so many companies & institutions scrambling towards solutions, find out what the experts have to say as you explore the latest in global warming & climate change news.

Climate, Temperature, Greenland ice sheet, Water, Climate change, Global warming

@insideclimate shared
On Jan 18, 2023
RT @bberwyn: Even at the high summit of the Greenland Ice Sheet, human-caused warming is now unmistakeable, distinct from the background noise of natural cycles.

One of the World’s Coldest Places Is Now the Warmest it’s Been in 1,000 Years, Scientists Say

Global warming is spiking in one of the world’s coldest places, atop the 2-mile thick ice sheet in central Greenland, where new research shows that the first decade of the 2000s was clearly the warmest 10 years on record in at least 1,000 years. ...

@insideclimate shared
On Jan 18, 2023
RT @bberwyn: Even at the high summit of the Greenland Ice Sheet, human-caused warming is now unmistakeable, distinct from the background noise of natural cycles.
One of the World’s Coldest Places Is Now the Warmest it’s Been in 1,000 Years, Scientists Say

One of the World’s Coldest Places Is Now the Warmest it’s Been in 1,000 Years, Scientists Say

Global warming is spiking in one of the world’s coldest places, atop the 2-mile thick ice sheet in central Greenland, where new research shows that the first decade of the 2000s was clearly ...

Greenland temperatures the warmest in more than 1,000 years, new data show

Greenland temperatures the warmest in more than 1,000 years, new data show

A sharp spike in Greenland's temperatures since 1995 show the giant northern island has reached 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer than its 20th-century average, its hottest in more than 1,000 ...

Parts of Greenland now hotter than at any time in the past 1,000 years, scientists say

Parts of Greenland now hotter than at any time in the past 1,000 years, scientists say

New research in the northern part of Greenland finds temperatures are already 2.7 degrees warmer than they were in the 20th century.

New ice core analysis shows sharp Greenland warming spike

New ice core analysis shows sharp Greenland warming spike

A sharp spike in Greenland temperatures since 1995 showed the giant northern island 2.7 degrees (1.5 degrees Celsius) hotter than its 20th-century average, the warmest in more than 1,000 ...

Going, Going ... Gone: Greenland’s Melting Ice Sheet Passed a Point of No Return in the Early 2000s

Going, Going ... Gone: Greenland’s Melting Ice Sheet Passed a Point of No Return in the Early 2000s

A new study finds that the accelerating retreat and thinning of Greenland’s glaciers that began 20 year ago is speeding the ice sheet toward total meltdown.

Greenland Is Melting Away Before Our Eyes

Greenland Is Melting Away Before Our Eyes

“I have my fingers crossed for it not being washed away”

Temperatures on Greenland haven’t been this warm in at least 1,000 years, scientists report

Temperatures on Greenland haven’t been this warm in at least 1,000 years, scientists report

After years of research on the Greenland ice sheet -- which CNN visited when the cores were drilled -- scientists have reported temperatures there have been the warmest in at least the past ...

Greenland's ice sheets hold clues to global sea-level rise

Greenland's ice sheets hold clues to global sea-level rise

Scientists are drilling deep into glaciers and using sophisticated equipment to better understand a critical piece of the climate puzzle.

Greenland to lose ice far faster this century than in the past 12,000 years

Greenland to lose ice far faster this century than in the past 12,000 years

The scale of loss from the Greenland ice sheet will be higher this century than in any other over the past 12,000 years, a new study concludes.

How does the Medieval Warm Period compare to current global temperatures?

How does the Medieval Warm Period compare to current global temperatures?

<p>While the Medieval Warm Period saw unusually warm temperatures in some regions, globally the planet was cooler than current conditions.</p>

Greenland expedition discovers ‘world’s northernmost island’

Greenland expedition discovers ‘world’s northernmost island’

Even without any future global warming, Greenland’s melting ice sheet will cause major sea level rise with potentially ominous implications over this century.