
Climate Change

There's no issue more pressing on the global agenda than climate change. With so many companies & institutions scrambling towards solutions, find out what the experts have to say as you explore the latest in global warming & climate change news.

Climate, Weather, Climate change, Water, Warning system, Flood

@CAREClimate shared
On Feb 16, 2023
In #Bangladesg, Generating and disseminating flood early warnings to communities, allows them enough time to take precautions to protect their livelihoods and save lives. Early warning systems are protecting lives and livelihoods. @CAREBdesh


Generating and disseminating flood early warnings to communities, makes people in the hard –to-reach areas aware of the anticipated floods in their vicinity- it is important as it allows them enough time to take precautions to protect their livelihoods and save lives. ...

@CAREClimate shared
On Feb 16, 2023
In #Bangladesg, Generating and disseminating flood early warnings to communities, allows them enough time to take precautions to protect their livelihoods and save lives. Early warning systems are protecting lives and livelihoods. @CAREBdesh


Generating and disseminating flood early warnings to communities, makes people in the hard –to-reach areas aware of the anticipated floods in their vicinity- it is important as it allows ...

Effective Partnerships: Key to Supporting Climate Vulnerable Communities

Effective Partnerships: Key to Supporting Climate Vulnerable Communities

A quarter of the world’s population already faces significant flood risk, which is particularly challenging for people already living in or vulnerable to poverty.

The DRR leaders and early warning systems saving lives in Bangladesh

The DRR leaders and early warning systems saving lives in Bangladesh

Lucky Akter is a proactive disaster volunteer from Borodol Natun Hati village in Sunamganj, Bangladesh.

Four ways Mozambique is adapting to the climate crisis

Four ways Mozambique is adapting to the climate crisis

Despite contributing few pollutants, the country is among Africa’s most vulnerable to extreme weather.

Loss and damage in Pakistan

Loss and damage in Pakistan

Dr. Amiera Sawas and Sobia Kapadia discuss the devastation in Pakistan and if learnings from the 2010 and 2011 megafloods are still valid

Protecting homes and livelihoods in Bangladesh’s Haor Basin

Protecting homes and livelihoods in Bangladesh’s Haor Basin

On one terrible day four years ago, Anjuli Rani Das’s life was swept away before her eyes. A flash flood engulfed her small duck farm, washing away everything she had worked for in the past ...

Cross-border action on climate disasters is urgent in South Asia

Cross-border action on climate disasters is urgent in South Asia

This year’s devastating floods in Pakistan and a deadly heatwave highlight the urgent need for cross-border cooperation to prepare for climate disasters in South Asia.

Barbados hosts regional launch of Early Warnings for All Initiative

Barbados hosts regional launch of Early Warnings for All Initiative

Barbados hosts the first regional launch on 6 February of the United Nations’ Early Warnings for All initiative, which aims to ensure that every person on Earth is covered by an early ...

Enhancing Climate Adaptation and Resilience in South Asia

Enhancing Climate Adaptation and Resilience in South Asia

Cropin is deploying an advisory dissemination channel in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh for climate adaptation and resilience among smallholder farmers.

Opinion: Cross-border action on climate disasters is urgent in South Asia

Opinion: Cross-border action on climate disasters is urgent in South Asia

This year’s devastating floods in Pakistan and a deadly heatwave highlight the urgent need for cross-border cooperation to prepare for climate disasters in South Asia

Europe's floods: Lessons from German tragedy

Europe's floods: Lessons from German tragedy

Recriminations have followed the July floods and the alleged failure to alert residents.

Ravaged by floods, Bangladesh pitches plan to adapt to climate effects

Ravaged by floods, Bangladesh pitches plan to adapt to climate effects

Reeling from dire floods in June, Bangladesh is set to approve a long-term plan to protect itself from the worst climate effects 

Bangladesh kids turn the tide on climate change aboard floating schools

Bangladesh kids turn the tide on climate change aboard floating schools

CHALAN BEEL, Bangladesh (AFP) - Mosammat Rekha's older cousins grew up unable to read and write, as their tiny village was so frequently cut off from the nearest school by floods that would ...

'We have to learn to live with floods': waterlogged Surat to become latest megacity

'We have to learn to live with floods': waterlogged Surat to become latest megacity

The next 15 megacities #14: Surat’s battle to hold back water has raged since its first flood wall in 1664. As its population soars towards 10 million, the ‘diamond city’ needs new solutions

Earthquake sensors can detect disastrous floods

Earthquake sensors can detect disastrous floods

They can gather even more life-saving data than traditional water level gauges.

Cyclone Idai one year on: Southern Africa still devastated and vulnerable to climate shocks

Cyclone Idai one year on: Southern Africa still devastated and vulnerable to climate shocks

One year after Cyclone Idai left a trail of destruction across parts of Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi, nearly 100,000 people continue to live in makeshift shelters and are alarmingly ...

This is the impact of extreme weather on lives and livelihoods

This is the impact of extreme weather on lives and livelihoods

New data reveals that water-related hazards dominate the list of global disasters over the past half-century – and that climate change is to blame.