
Climate Change News

There's no issue more pressing on the global agenda than climate change. With so many companies & institutions scrambling towards solutions, find out what the experts have to say as you explore the latest in global warming & climate change news.

Methane, Carbon dioxide, Energy development, Global warming, Fossil fuel, Coal

@grist shared
On Sep 7, 2022
Utilities knew about climate change as early as the 1960s and misled the public in order to continue turning a profit.

America’s electric utilities spent decades spreading climate misinformation

Study: Utilities knew about climate change as early as the 1960s.

@grist shared
On Sep 7, 2022
Utilities knew about climate change as early as the 1960s and misled the public in order to continue turning a profit.
America’s electric utilities spent decades spreading climate misinformation

America’s electric utilities spent decades spreading climate misinformation

Study: Utilities knew about climate change as early as the 1960s.

Warned of ‘massive’ climate-led extinction, a US energy firm funded crisis denial ads

Warned of ‘massive’ climate-led extinction, a US energy firm funded crisis denial ads

Southern Company spent $62.1m over the years to deny the impact of fossil fuel combustion on climate crisis

PG&E Was Once Part of the Climate-Denial Machine That Helped Fuel California’s Blackout Crisis

PG&E Was Once Part of the Climate-Denial Machine That Helped Fuel California’s Blackout Crisis

The utility joined an industry group that stalled greenhouse gas regulation.

Shift to clean energy must speed up to avoid worst of climate change, U.N. panel says

Shift to clean energy must speed up to avoid worst of climate change, U.N. panel says

The world needs to rapidly accelerate its transition away from coal and other fossil fuels to avoid extreme climate change, according to a report Monday by the U.N. climate science panel.

It Wasn’t Just Oil Companies Spreading Climate Denial

It Wasn’t Just Oil Companies Spreading Climate Denial

The electricity industry knew about the dangers of climate change 40 years ago. It denied them anyway.

Big Oil Is Winning Big This Week

Big Oil Is Winning Big This Week

At the oversight committee hearing convened by Representative Ro Khanna, ExxonMobil, Chevron, and Shell executives all but admitted they have no plans to renounce climate misinformation.

Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Trump’s Dirty Deputies

Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Trump’s Dirty Deputies

It’s no secret that President Trump has filled his cabinet and staff with lobbyists and former oil, gas, coal and chemical industry allies…

Big oil’s ‘wokewashing’ is the new climate science denialism

Big oil’s ‘wokewashing’ is the new climate science denialism

ANALYSIS: Academic researchers say the fossil fuel industry has a new tool to delay efforts to curb emissions – a social justice strategy.

Utility Carbon Targets Reflect Decarbonization Slowdown In Crucial Next Decade

Utility Carbon Targets Reflect Decarbonization Slowdown In Crucial Next Decade

Utilities plan to slowdown their efforts to reduce carbon emissions, threatening the ability for the U.S. to respond to the climate crisis at the speed that scientists say is necessary to ...

Net-Zero By 2050: Investor Risks in the Context of Deep Decarbonization of Electricity Generation

Net-Zero By 2050: Investor Risks in the Context of Deep Decarbonization of Electricity Generation

Read our latest post from Majority Action Executive Director Eli Kasargod-Staub and Senior Sustainability Fellow Kimberly Gladman.

Climate-friendly alternatives will benefit Africa more than natural gas

Climate-friendly alternatives will benefit Africa more than natural gas

Exploitation of Africa’s natural gas will not bring the benefits claimed by lobbyists while low-carbon alternatives offer positive advantages.

Green New Deal must cut fossil fuel supply and demand

Green New Deal must cut fossil fuel supply and demand

Half of a degree of warming would almost entirely wipe out coral reefs, expose 10 million more people to flooding from sea level rise and make heat waves deadlier.

Labor Helps Obama Energy Secretary Push and Profit from 'Net Zero' Fossil Fuels

Labor Helps Obama Energy Secretary Push and Profit from 'Net Zero' Fossil Fuels

Progressive activists have called for a Green New Deal, a linking of the U.S. climate and labor movements to create an equitable and decarbonized economy and move away from fossil fuels to ...

Why climate activists disrupted the Harvard-Yale football game

Why climate activists disrupted the Harvard-Yale football game

Divestment is one of the fastest-growing movements in the fight against climate change. It’s only getting started.

The Joe Manchin climate doctrine

The Joe Manchin climate doctrine

The climate plan he creates will be exactly what the fossil fuel industry paid for.

Fossil Fuel Companies Are Quietly Scoring Big Money for Their Preferred Climate Solution: Carbon Capture and Storage

Fossil Fuel Companies Are Quietly Scoring Big Money for Their Preferred Climate Solution: Carbon Capture and Storage

Over the last year, energy companies, electrical utilities and other industrial sectors have been quietly pushing through a suite of policies to support a technology that stands to yield ...

As Earth faces climate catastrophe, US set to open nearly 200 power plants

As Earth faces climate catastrophe, US set to open nearly 200 power plants

There are as many as 177 natural gas power plants currently planned, under construction or announced in the United States.

How the fossil fuel “production gap” hinders climate goals

How the fossil fuel “production gap” hinders climate goals

The new Production Gap Report shows that the world is on track to produce 120% more fossil fuels than can be burned under 1.5°C warming.

Fossil fuel web leading Australia to a Deadly Recovery

Fossil fuel web leading Australia to a Deadly Recovery

It is possible to recover from a deadly crisis through a trajectory that prevents another deadly crisis. We have to fight for that future.