

Twitter News publishes only the most insightful articles selected by the most trusted experts in the tech and social media industry.

Top news of the week: 04.12.2022.

Elon Musk
Hate speech
Ruby on Rails
White House Office

@JohnPaczkowski shared
On Nov 30, 2022
RT @bykowicz: Elon Musk’s tunneling company has enthusiastic investors and government officials clamoring to work with it. What it doesn’t have is any record—at all—of “solving traffic.”
Elon Musk’s Boring Company Ghosts Cities Across America

Elon Musk’s Boring Company Ghosts Cities Across America

The tunnel venture has repeatedly teased local officials with a pledge to ‘solve soul-destroying traffic,’ and then backed out when confronted with the realities of building public ...

@Jessicalessin shared
On Dec 2, 2022
Andreessen Horowitz's buzzy tech publication Future is shutting down

Andreessen Horowitz's buzzy tech publication Future is shutting down hasn't published an article in months, and most of its editorial staffers have quietly left.

@lmatsakis shared
On Dec 2, 2022
A lot of outlets reported this week that the Chinese government was trying to drown out the protests with sex bots. The reality is more interesting — and human
Twitter’s Chinese “sex bots” may just be sex bots

Twitter’s Chinese “sex bots” may just be sex bots

Experts and news outlets alleged a wave of Chinese-language spam was state-sponsored, but evidence for the claim remains scant.

@CaseyNewton shared
On Nov 29, 2022
PLUS: that ‘general amnesty’ of banned Twitter users could bring *62,000* suspended accounts back from the dead, including ~75 with at least 1 million followers. With @ZoeSchiffer
Why some tech CEOs are rooting for Musk

Why some tech CEOs are rooting for Musk

They're skeptical of their workers, too. PLUS: New details on Musk's 'general amnesty' for banned Twitter users

@kerrymflynn shared
On Dec 2, 2022
RT @BrandyZadrozny: New: A week ago, Elon Musk announced a great unbanning—Twitter would reverse thousands of suspensions, including Donald Trump. But also, scraped data shows, he freed an emboldened group of trolls, white nationalists, QAnoners, and extreme right-wingers.
Elon Musk's 'amnesty' pledge brings back QAnon, far-right Twitter accounts

Elon Musk's 'amnesty' pledge brings back QAnon, far-right Twitter accounts

Data reviewed by NBC News shows that many restored accounts trafficked in conspiracy theories and hate speech. The changes come as some high-profile users have fled.

@alexeheath shared
On Dec 2, 2022
RT @ClareMalone: I wrote about @PuckNews, the site with a decidedly un-squeamish fixation on the rich & powerful, and the Graydon Carter protege behind it all.
The E-Mail Newsletter for the Mogul Set

The E-Mail Newsletter for the Mogul Set

The media startup Puck is aiming to build a business by covering power and wealth from the inside.

@katieharbath shared
On Nov 29, 2022
Happening now - @sayhar live at the @knightfdn #Informed22 conference. Watch live:
INFORMED: Conversations on Democracy in the Digital Age

INFORMED: Conversations on Democracy in the Digital Age

INFORMED brings together key leaders and experts to engage around the biggest questions at the intersection of technology, media, and democracy. Presented by Knight Foundation, the ...

@ruchowdh shared
On Dec 3, 2022
RT @ubiquity75: Hey, ⁦@ellagirwin⁩ — can you explain why “egregious spam” is a sacrosanct category? Please tell the truth, that it’s much easier to automate than moderation requiring a brain. Can you stop lying about who and how many people were fired from Health?
Exclusive: Twitter exec says moving fast on moderation, as harmful content surges

Exclusive: Twitter exec says moving fast on moderation, as harmful content surges

Elon Musk's Twitter is leaning heavily on automation to moderate content, doing away with certain manual reviews and favoring restrictions on distribution rather than removing certain ...