Liberalism worldwide, Conservatism, Political philosophy, Donald Trump, Liberalism, Classical liberalism

The Willful Blindness of Reactionary Liberalism

On Jul 7, 2020
@seanmcarroll shared
RT @hilzoy: 1/ This is a really, really good essay. (Also very funny at times.) I will not try to summarize it; you should just read it. I do want to add a few points, though. The Willful Blindness of Reactionary Liberalism

The critics of progressive identity politics have got it all wrong: They’re the illiberal ones.
On Jul 7, 2020
@seanmcarroll shared
RT @hilzoy: 1/ This is a really, really good essay. (Also very funny at times.) I will not try to summarize it; you should just read it. I do want to add a few points, though. The Willful Blindness of Reactionary Liberalism

The Willful Blindness of Reactionary Liberalism

The Willful Blindness of Reactionary Liberalism

The critics of progressive identity politics have got it all wrong: They’re the illiberal ones.

The anti-liberal moment

The anti-liberal moment

Critics on the left and right are waging war on liberalism. And liberals don’t seem to have a good defense.

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