Unemployment benefits, Economics, United States, Unemployment, Employment, Economy

The essential worker trap

On May 5, 2020
@voxdotcom shared
RT @EmilyStewartM: You can't collect unemployment if you quit your job, meaning essential workers are stuck. And as states reopen, more and more people are going to face a similar conundrum: risk your paycheck, or risk your health. https://t.co/pzp0ilXm9F

Unemployment isn’t an option for some of the country’s most vulnerable workers.

On May 5, 2020
@voxdotcom shared
RT @EmilyStewartM: You can't collect unemployment if you quit your job, meaning essential workers are stuck. And as states reopen, more and more people are going to face a similar conundrum: risk your paycheck, or risk your health. https://t.co/pzp0ilXm9F

The essential worker trap

The essential worker trap

Unemployment isn’t an option for some of the country’s most vulnerable workers.

Unemployment claims surge as states await federal guidance

Unemployment claims surge as states await federal guidance

More than 6.64 million workers filed initial claims for unemployment insurance in the week ending March 28, exceeding the 3.3 million who filed claims a week earlier, the Labor Department ...

How to File for Unemployment in California During the Coronavirus Pandemic

How to File for Unemployment in California During the Coronavirus Pandemic

A guide to navigating unemployment, paid family leave and disability insurance during coronavirus.

Retraining Programs Fall Short for Some Workers

Retraining Programs Fall Short for Some Workers

The goal of retraining programs was to help displaced workers gain skills in new industries. But multiple studies have shown that many workers leave the program earning less than they did ...

‘Wait’ Becomes Operative Word for Gig Workers Seeking Aid (1)

‘Wait’ Becomes Operative Word for Gig Workers Seeking Aid (1)

State officials nationwide are assuring independent contractors such as Uber and Lyft drivers sidelined by Covid-19 that they may be eligible for unemployment compensation, but only after ...

Coronavirus batters US economy as 6.65m file for unemployment last week

Coronavirus batters US economy as 6.65m file for unemployment last week

US sees second major unemployment rise as millions working in retail, restaurants, and travel lose jobs

Official jobless figures will miss the economic pain of the pandemic

Official jobless figures will miss the economic pain of the pandemic

Gallup data suggest that as many as 40 million of those laid off or facing reduced hours will not be officially considered unemployed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) because they ...

Unemployment claims skyrocket as coronavirus crisis deepens

Unemployment claims skyrocket as coronavirus crisis deepens

At least 25,000 people have filed for unemployment since Friday, prompting the Department of Labor to conduct at-home drills.

Unemployment Insurance For Workers Impacted By COVID-19

Unemployment Insurance For Workers Impacted By COVID-19

This post summarizes recent federal relief actions in the unemployment insurance program, discusses how these federal actions interact with current state programs, and highlight options the ...

Unemployment claims near 17 million in three weeks as coronavirus ravages economy

Unemployment claims near 17 million in three weeks as coronavirus ravages economy

The claims in the week ending April 4 came on top of nearly 10 million filed in the prior two weeks.

States are emptying their unemployment funds, and even the federal fund designed as a backstop is likely to run out of money

States are emptying their unemployment funds, and even the federal fund designed as a backstop is likely to run out of money

The unemployment crisis could force states to limit the duration and dollar amount of benefits, experts warn.

Drivers Say Uber and Lyft Are Blocking Unemployment Pay

Drivers Say Uber and Lyft Are Blocking Unemployment Pay

States like New York and California have made gig workers eligible for jobless benefits and sick days. But the companies have resisted complying.

A State-by-State Resource Guide for Music Professionals Who Need Help During Coronavirus Crisis (Updating)

A State-by-State Resource Guide for Music Professionals Who Need Help During Coronavirus Crisis (Updating)

To help music professionals and their loved ones navigate the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, Billboard has compiled a list of resources at national and state levels.

The United States suffers record unemployment while Europe fares better in battling the coronavirus shutdown.

The United States suffers record unemployment while Europe fares better in battling the coronavirus shutdown.

The United States suffers record unemployment while Europe fares better in battling the coronavirus shutdown.

Coronavirus in Iowa: State tells workers to return to jobs or lose their benefits

Coronavirus in Iowa: State tells workers to return to jobs or lose their benefits

Iowa Workforce Development said failing to return to work out of fear of catching the virus will disqualify workers from receiving unemployment benefits.