Absolutely! But only if it’s done the right way. Slapping a rainbow flag on your products or social media just doesn’t cut it anymore. Consumers are savvy and want brand authenticity.

That means if companies don’t show their support in the right way, it can end up doing their brand far more harm than good.

T-Mobile: Leading by example?

This week saw T-Mobile continue its longstanding commitment to LGBTQ+ causes by donating $1 million to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation’s new financial and digital literacy initiatives focused on LGBTQ+ youth.

A partnership like this not only provides funding for a worthwhile cause, but also publicly demonstrates the company’s willingness to act in support of LGBTQ+ employees, industry colleagues, and the greater community.

So how does one know when brands are genuine and not just “woke washing” to appear inclusive and modern?

Red flags and examples of woke washing

Brands opting to build inclusive campaigns and brand messaging would be wise to avoid the following:

  • Only showing support during Pride Month (June each year).
  • If a business has taken actions in the past that fly in the face of the cause (like donating to politicians who have pushed anti-LGBTQ+ legislation), consumers will not trust an about-turn from their marketing dept.

You need to be authentic and put your money where your mouth is. How?

  • Hire LGBTQ+ individuals and put them in leadership positions.
  • Endorse and champion the LGBTQ+ community consistently with resources and legislative support.

Business incentives for authentic corporate LGBTQ+ support

Apart from the fact that it’s the right thing to do, there’s a lot to gain for companies openly championing LGBTQ+ rights in a meaningful way.

LGBTQ+ consumers are renowned for their brand loyalty and reward companies who have their backs, even if this means putting more into their shopping basket.

It’s a pretty big basket if you consider that in the US alone, the spending power of the LGBTQ+ community is calculated in the region of $800 billion a year!

How can your business engage with LGBTQ+ issues in meaningful ways?

For brands looking to enter or expand their LGBTQ+ market share, understanding delicate consumer nuances is the secret to having a competitive edge.

Companies need to be forthright, vocal, and consistent in championing diversity and inclusion. Donate to LGBTQ+ institutions working on important causes, especially in their local community.

Examples of key issues for the LGBT+ community include:

  • Supporting LGBT+ equality
  • Health care quality and costs
  • Fighting rampant homelessness among LGBTQ+ youth
  • Access to education
  • Fair elections and protection of democracy
  • Racial discrimination paired with LGBTQ+ discrimination

Play on the right side of history and reap the rewards

As the saying goes – you want to look back and know you were on the right side of history. There are a lot of concerns in the minds of the LGBTQ+ community right now. Brands must take a stand and commit to a deeply authentic, ongoing strategy to connect and engage with the diverse LGBTQ+ community, and in doing so, help create a more inclusive society, and ultimately grow their brand in the right direction.

Read more about T-Mobile’s million-dollar investment here.