
Real Estate in the Metaverse

With Real Estate in the Metaverse Newsletter, do not miss any new announcement regarding Real Estate in the Metaverse!

Top news of the week: 28.01.2023.


@KavyaPearlman shared
On Jan 27, 2023
RT @kuriharan: Learn it. Consumer advocacy groups want Walmart's Roblox game audited for 'stealth marketing' to kids via @techcrunch #tech #digital #data #privacy
Consumer advocacy groups want Walmart’s Roblox game audited for ‘stealth marketing’ to kids

Consumer advocacy groups want Walmart’s Roblox game audited for ‘stealth marketing’ to kids

A number of consumer advocacy groups have a problem with Walmart’s entry into the metaverse. The online retailer last fall announced the launch of two new virtual worlds on Roblox, “Walmart ...

@KavyaPearlman shared
On Jan 27, 2023
RT @RealityNomad: Overview on the benefits and advantages of the #metaverse in #mentalhealth, covering the topics of #accessibility and #affordability of care, and the role of virtual experiences in #cyberpsychology. #healthcare #technology
Meet Me in the Metaverse for Better Mental Health?

Meet Me in the Metaverse for Better Mental Health?

The metaverse can offer some unique advantages for mental health care.

@RaritySniperNFT shared
On Jan 23, 2023
Woodstock World Brings 1969 Festival to the Metaverse

Woodstock World Brings 1969 Festival to the Metaverse

The latest metaverse experience from blockchain production company Sequin AR is ready to rock ‘n’ roll. The Web3 company has partnered with Woodstock Ventures to bring the historic 1969 ...

@RaritySniperNFT shared
On Jan 27, 2023
Amazon is Reportedly Leaning Into Web3 & NFTs

Amazon is Reportedly Leaning Into Web3 & NFTs

According to several reports, Amazon could be making its first move in Web3 as early as this spring. And rather than delve into the crypto side of things, Blockworks reports that the ...

@NFT_NYC shared
On Jan 24, 2023
We’re excited to announce our fourth round of Approved Speakers for #NFTNYC2023. This round for the Future Track includes 41 new Speakers.
@deantak shared
On Jan 27, 2023
Our CES panel. Gaming and the ultimate metaverse fantasy | The DeanBeat #metaverse #CES via @GamesBeat
Gaming and the ultimate metaverse fantasy | The DeanBeat

Gaming and the ultimate metaverse fantasy | The DeanBeat

Our CES 2023 metaverse panel explored the ultimate metaverse fantasy and whether gaming would pave the way to the future.

@nftnow shared
On Jan 24, 2023
All jokes aside, The Memes by @punk6529 is one of the most unique projects out there.
A Guide to The Memes by 6529: Building an Open Metaverse Through Humor

A Guide to The Memes by 6529: Building an Open Metaverse Through Humor

The Memes by 6529 is bringing collaborative humor to the blockchain while driving a conversation on the need for an open metaverse.

@KavyaPearlman shared
On Jan 24, 2023
RT @magicleap: There are already valuable use cases for enterprise AR today. PwC predicts that AR will add an additional $380 billion to the U.S. economy by 2030. See how businesses as diverse as construction and healthcare can integrate AR into their work:
Augmented Reality 101: An Overview of AR for Business Leaders

Augmented Reality 101: An Overview of AR for Business Leaders

Augmented reality (AR) began as a concept in science fiction but has matured into a powerful tool that can benefit businesses.