Future of Work

Purpose and Happiness

The workplace is in a constant state of transformation, yet there's always room for improvement, and not only from a technological perspective. Explore the latest news articles, reports & trends related to happiness in the workplace & having a sense of purpose at work.

Human, Science fiction, Science, Artificial intelligence, Artificial general intelligence, Technology

@Amy Edmondson shared
On Nov 7, 2023
Fake tweet - https://theness.com/neurologicablog/index.php/will-ai-make-work-redundant/

Will AI Make Work Redundant?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is coming for your job. This, at least, is increasingly conventional wisdom, but I'm not so sure. In a recent interview, Elon Musk predicted that AI would "make paid work redundant." ...

@Amy Edmondson shared
On Nov 7, 2023
Fake tweet - https://theness.com/neurologicablog/index.php/will-ai-make-work-redundant/
Will AI Make Work Redundant?

Will AI Make Work Redundant?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is coming for your job. This, at least, is increasingly conventional wisdom, but I'm not so sure. In a recent interview, Elon Musk predicted that AI would "make ...

Creating “humanlike minds” is the next step in AI development

Creating “humanlike minds” is the next step in AI development

Artificial general intelligence is an advanced form of AI that can learn, adapt and solve problems just like humans. Although experts disagree on some of the benchmarks for defining it, AGI ...

The only way out of the AI dilemma

The only way out of the AI dilemma

A blog about science, technology, science fiction, books, and the future.

Robot startups see huge market in replacing human workers: ‘We can sell millions of humanoids, billions maybe’

Robot startups see huge market in replacing human workers: ‘We can sell millions of humanoids, billions maybe’

“There’s not enough people doing these jobs, so the market’s massive," said Figure AI CEO Brett Adcock. "If we can just get humanoids to do work that humans are not wanting to do.”

Humanoid robots are here, but they're a little awkward. Do we really need them?

Humanoid robots are here, but they're a little awkward. Do we really need them?

Building a robot that’s both human-like and useful is a decades-old engineering dream inspired by popular science fiction

Do We Really Need Humanoid Robots?

Do We Really Need Humanoid Robots?

Most current prototypes are clumsy, impractical, but that hasn't stopped startups from working on them

AI This Week: Elon Musk's AI-Dominated Future

AI This Week: Elon Musk's AI-Dominated Future

Musk biographer Walter Isaacson says Elon is on a mission to create AGI. Plus: potential storm clouds on the robotaxi horizon.

AI isn’t close to becoming sentient – the real danger lies in how easily we anthropomorphize it

AI isn’t close to becoming sentient – the real danger lies in how easily we anthropomorphize it

To what extent will our psychological vulnerabilities shape our interactions with emerging technologies?

AI has much to offer humanity. It could also wreak terrible harm. It must be controlled

AI has much to offer humanity. It could also wreak terrible harm. It must be controlled

Systems with abilities exceeding human capacity have been let loose. If big tech firms refuse to see the risks governments must step in

AI isn’t close to becoming sentient – the real danger lies in how easily we’re prone to anthropomorphize it

AI isn’t close to becoming sentient – the real danger lies in how easily we’re prone to anthropomorphize it

Our tendency to view machines as people and become attached to them points to real risks of psychological entanglement with AI technology.

Can the free market ensure artificial intelligence won't wipe out human workers?

Can the free market ensure artificial intelligence won't wipe out human workers?

People keep predicting that each wave of new technology will mean humans can put their feet up. It hasn't happened yet. Some economists and anthropologists who study the subject say even ...

Microsoft Researchers Say GPT-4 Could Be AGI

Microsoft Researchers Say GPT-4 Could Be AGI

A team of Microsoft AI scientists claim that GPT-4 exhibits sparks of human-level intelligence, or AGI.

Why Elon Musk is wrong about pausing AI development

Why Elon Musk is wrong about pausing AI development

Panic about new technologies is nothing new, and artificial intelligence is no exception. This week more than 1,800 people have signed an open letter calling for at least a six-month pause ...

The AI factions of Silicon Valley

The AI factions of Silicon Valley

Concerns about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence and those who want to advance it have divided the tech industry.

Elon Musk is on a mission to create the world’s first AGI, an AI that is as smart as humans

Elon Musk is on a mission to create the world’s first AGI, an AI that is as smart as humans

Elon Musk has a rather unique perspective on the future of human beings. His most recent biographer believes that Musk is on a mission to develop Artificial General Intelligence, or AGI, a ...

The Strange: Scifi Mars robots meet real-world bounded rationality

The Strange: Scifi Mars robots meet real-world bounded rationality

by Robin Murphy Even with the addition of a strange mineral, robots still obey the principle of bounded rationality in artificial intelligence set forth by Herb Simon. The colony makes ...

Tech Leaders Ask For Pause In AI Development

Tech Leaders Ask For Pause In AI Development

In a joint open letter, nearly 1500 technology leaders are calling for a pause of six months in the development of artificial intelligence.

What Is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)?

What Is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)?

Researchers working on artificial general intelligence (AGI) aim to eventually produce a form of AI with human-level intelligence. AGI would ideally be able to learn, self-teach, and ...