Future of Work

Diversity In The Workplace News

The way we work is ever-changing, yet there's always room for improvement, and not only from a technological perspective. Explore the latest news articles, reports, and trends related to issues related to diversity in the workplace, and how this affects the future of work in a variety of industries.

#Inclusion #Diversity #DILeaders #HR
English language, Accent, Phonology, Received Pronunciation, British English, Human voice

@DI_Leaders shared
On Jul 15, 2022
How to tackle accent bias at work. Read our latest d&i Leaders article. https://t.co/QZvE6xyt35 #DILeaders #Inclusion #Diversity #HR

How to tackle accent bias at work

Independent news, reports and events for senior diversity, inclusion, HR, talent and recruitment professionals.

@DI_Leaders shared
On Jul 15, 2022
How to tackle accent bias at work. Read our latest d&i Leaders article. https://t.co/QZvE6xyt35 #DILeaders #Inclusion #Diversity #HR
How to tackle accent bias at work

How to tackle accent bias at work

Independent news, reports and events for senior diversity, inclusion, HR, talent and recruitment professionals.

What’s in an accent? How class hierarchy enacts its power through voice

What’s in an accent? How class hierarchy enacts its power through voice

While those days are behind us now, the influence lives on: despite less than three per cent of the population speaking with an RP accent, a 2013 poll found that people believe RP and Devon ...

The rise of ‘accent softening’: why more and more people are changing their voices

The rise of ‘accent softening’: why more and more people are changing their voices

Elocution lessons are back in vogue, with many people seeking to disguise their regional accents. But shouldn’t we be beyond this now?

Don’t worry, Alexa and Google Home won’t take away your regional accent

Don’t worry, Alexa and Google Home won’t take away your regional accent

Hey, Google. Can you understand my accent? Of course. You have an incredibly pleasing dialect. So began my Saturday morning discussion with my Google Home Mini. And while I was happy to ...

Voice Is the Next Big Platform, Unless You Have an Accent

Voice Is the Next Big Platform, Unless You Have an Accent

It’s super funny that Alexa can’t understand my mom — until we need Alexa to use the web, drive a car, and do pretty much anything else.

The Many Voices of Journalism

The Many Voices of Journalism

<p>Growing up, I was in awe of a painting called Abaporu, or, “Man who eats human flesh.” A distorted human figure sits next to a cactus under a bright yellow sun. Abaporu, painted 90 years ...

Hitting the Books: The bias behind AI assistants' failure to understand accents

Hitting the Books: The bias behind AI assistants' failure to understand accents

The age of speaking to our computers as we do with other humans is finally upon us. But as with other long-awaited technologies such as self-driving cars and computer vision systems, ...

These former Stanford students are building an app to change your accent

These former Stanford students are building an app to change your accent

A startup called Sanas is developing technology that aims to reduce miscommunication by changing people's accents in real time.

Speech Recognition – Accent Bias and Social Inequality

Speech Recognition – Accent Bias and Social Inequality

Speech Recognition – Accent Bias and Social Inequality “Accent is perhaps the most recognisable sign of social and ethnic background in the UK today. “Accent Bias in Britain,…

In Defense of the Valley Girl

In Defense of the Valley Girl

Many people hate the Valley Girl accent, but we need to separate it from the original perceptions and connotations. Accents and dialect say much more about history than they do about ...

Artificial intelligence tries to help you minimize your accent. Should you use it?

Artificial intelligence tries to help you minimize your accent. Should you use it?

LA is filled with dialect coaches helping actors prepare for roles, and maybe acquire or lose an accent. But for people trying to mask their accent and sound more American, they can turn to ...