What the Blog? is an Essentials video series discussing what’s next for the future of work, and how topics like leadership, social innovation, and diversity in the workplace are becoming more important than ever before. Editors Isabella Moulton and Martin Jacobsz bring you a snappy summary of articles directly from our expertly curated [Future of Work Essentials Newsletters](https://essentials.news/future-of-work.

Our first choice on the latest future of work news, explains that although the word ‘burnout’ is a term most of us have heard of by now, it’s still very misunderstood in its true definition. A lot of us claim to be burned out after a long week, but we don’t actually suffer from ‘burnout’. This article discusses some of the most common myths about burnout, including: that it’s mostly the individual’s problem, not an organisational one, that those suffering burnout are mentally weak, when most of the highest performing are actually the most at risk, and that burnout is recoverable within a few days. Read the article here.

The second article on the latest future of work trends, exposes how Covid-19 highlighted the clear differences in the outcomes of small and medium-sized businesses post-pandemic. Well-capitalized startups did much better than poor community businesses, with results differing per industry. Research suggests that across 32 countries, 70% to 80% of small and midsize businesses experienced a revenue drop between 30% and 50%. This is compared with larger businesses, which were less affected as a group. Curious to know what’s next for the future of work? Read our blog here.