What the Blog? is an Essentials video series discussing what’s next for the future of work, and how topics like leadership, social innovation, and diversity in the workplace are becoming more important than ever before. Editors Isabella Moulton and Martin Jacobsz bring you a snappy summary of articles directly from our expertly curated Future of Work Essentials Newsletters.

Our first choice on the latest future of work news, brings light to the fact that even though 41 women are heading up Fortune 500 companies this year (a record breaking figure), only two of those are Black and only one is openly gay. As we look towards diversity in the workplace along with future of work leadership, it’s vital we improve the presence of women from diverse backgrounds in leadership positions. Read our blog here.

The second article on the latest future of work trends, explains that our societal fear of a technological takeover, isn’t that ridiculous anymore. At this stage, a healthy dose of fear is necessary, especially from organizations, as an AI takeover is not so far off if precautionary measures aren’t taken now. Sorry to ruin your day. Industry leaders are split when it comes to the role technology should play in our lives, and the workplace. Mark Zuckerburg supports continued technological advancement, while others like Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking have expressed their fears surrounding too much technological advancement. Curious to know what’s next for the future of work and the role of AI in the workplace? Read the article here.