Most of us struggle with work life balance. If left unchecked, both our mental and physical health suffer, which is why some are proposing a four day work week. When considering the future of work and how to be more productive while increasing employee happiness, the four day work week could be the answer we’ve been searching for all along.

The Spanish 4 Day Work Week Case Study

In Spain they have already implemented a trial four day work week to see if overall happiness and productivity improve through having an extra day off. Though only a test for the moment, if the results are promising the four day work week is likely to be implemented on a wider scale, and adopted by other countries around the globe.

Four Day Work Weeks Improve Productivity

The Four Day Work Week isn’t just a leftist concept aimed at prioritizing employees over companies. In fact, when Microsoft Japan introduced four day work weeks, they saw a rise in employee productivity. Why? Knowing they get more time to themselves, many employees become more productive. Let’s face it, most of us work to live, not the other way around.

The Four Day Work Week in Practice

So what does a four day work week actually look like? In general, employees work just as many total hours, but over less days. They work two extra hours on each of the four days, meaning an extra day becomes free. In general, people don’t notice too much of a difference in working longer hours, but notice a massive difference when having an extra day off.

The Four Day Work Week Attracts Employees

In a time when work flexibility is of major importance, giving employees the option of working four days a week is a very attractive feature of companies. They are not only likely to attract new staff, but retain existing ones while valuing their lives outside of work. If the four day work week boosts productivity and happiness, it’s a win-win for both companies and employees.

Read the full article here.

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