Gone are the days of chatting with colleagues in the staff canteen while sipping on a latte. “How was your weekend and how are the family, Bill?” Even simple small talk is key to connecting with colleagues. Most of us have been confined to our homes for the last year (or longer), working remotely and having scarce opportunity for human interaction. When we are able to talk in person, it’s most often through the constraints of a mask. Organizations are looking towards the future of work and renewing relationships that may have been compromised over the last year - strengthening and improving communication and collaboration between colleagues.

The importance of communication in the workplace

Connection and communication have become top priority for businesses in 2021. This comes as no surprise, as sound communication drives both employee and organizational success. The way we maintain, and nurture relationships involves more than just top-notch speaking and writing skills - we need the ability to read facial expressions, interpret emotions, and respond appropriately. These skills are not easy to master at the best of times, not to mention when we have to do so virtually.

Body language and emotions in the workplace

Communication is made up of pieces that fit together, words being only one part of the puzzle. Body language is just as important as verbal communication – if interpreted accurately, it can increase your skills as a cognisant communicator and help assess the message you’re sending to Joan in HR, for example.

Reading facial expressions

Smile and the world smiles with you. Positive emotions are easier to read, happiness being the most recognized human emotion. There’s no easier way to put a smile on someone else’s dial, than by putting one on your own. A study found that when people saw others express positive emotions, they were more likely to make an effort to form a meaningful relationship with that person, on a personal and professional level.

How to connect and communicate better in the workplace

Here are some top tips to increase your communications skills at work:

  • Be observant and fully present. Look up from your laptop!
  • Practice empathy – be aware of other’s feelings.
  • Ask questions - when you’re uncertain how a colleague feels.
  • Talk about your own experiences – being open encourages others to do the same.
  • Look for smiles, not sadness. Positive emotions are easier to read than negative ones (fear, anger and contempt for example)

Human beings have an innate need to communicate, and we crave relationships – even introverts have struggled through the solace. Effective communication in the workplace is a crucial foundation to paving the way for great emotional return within companies as we head into the new age of work.

Read the full article here.