Healthy habits of an Agile leader.

Move out strategic planning, strategic agility is the way forward. Gone are the days where strategic planning would bring a company success. These days, companies have another approach - strategic agility. This is when an entire organization works together to spark new ideas and insights in regards to its value proposition. Emotionally intelligent leaders who are able to guide their employees towards their organization’s vision, are favored over archaic, programmed methods of thinking. While this is certainly positive news, strategic agility is difficult to achieve, as it means a shift from an analytical way of thinking, to an emotional one, which not everyone can embrace with ease. Leaders should make an effort though, as research shows that strategic agility is the most important leadership trait.

Which four habits can help you become a more strategically agile leader?

Develop situational awareness To best implement strategic trends in your own company, become aware of any developing industry trends and market changes. Look at the way your industry is developing, and determine how to best respond, while remaining in-line with your company goals.

Establish company direction A 2021 survey reveals that data accounts for only 24% of companies’ strategic decisions. Meaning, if company leaders integrate real-time data when setting goals, they can give themselves the necessary edge to beat out competitors. How does this apply to you? In order to best lead your team, you need to have a clear vision of your company’s trajectory in the short and long-term. Next, make sure that these priorities are communicated with your employees.

**Teamwork as priority * When it comes to agility, trust people over processes. Your employees will give you valuable insight to better make major company decisions than pre-established, archaic methods. This is where leaders with high EQs flourish-- they see teams as valuable assets, while leaders with low EQs think teams just threaten their ability to control.

Be ready to change when necessary Leaders have to adapt quickly and creatively to meet changing market conditions. This was seen recently with the pandemic, when 1/3 of small businesses had to move from meeting in person to virtually almost overnight. Focus on how market conditions can influence how you use company resources, as well as the implementation of new company strategies.

By embracing these four habits, you equip yourself with the necessary tools to capitalize on growth opportunities for your company, while meeting both short and long-term goals. At the end of the day, leaders who prioritize their team and see the value in humans, will be able to best encourage the embracement of an agile mindset company wide.

Read the full article here.

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