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europe-startups News

Europe Startup News publishes only the most insightful links selected by the most trusted experts in the european startup scene.

Fortune 500, Startup company, Welfare state, Entrepreneurship, Venture capital, Packaging and labeling

@EU_Startups shared
On May 9, 2022
🚨🚀The EU-Startups Summit is taking place this week! We are so excited to welcome you all to Barcelona for our annual summit that's bringing you two days of networking, inspiration and learning 🚀Joining us will be: 🌟 Laura Scott from SafetyWing 🌟

Laura Scott, Head of Remote Health Marketing at SafetyWing will speak at the EU-Startups Summit on May 12-13 in Barcelona!

Coming back to an in-person format with a bang, the EU-Startups Summit will take place in Barcelona this year on May 12-13! Our unmissable flagship event

@EU_Startups shared
On May 9, 2022
🚨🚀The EU-Startups Summit is taking place this week! We are so excited to welcome you all to Barcelona for our annual summit that's bringing you two days of networking, inspiration and learning 🚀Joining us will be: 🌟 Laura Scott from SafetyWing 🌟
Laura Scott, Head of Remote Health Marketing at SafetyWing will speak at the EU-Startups Summit on May 12-13 in Barcelona!

Laura Scott, Head of Remote Health Marketing at SafetyWing will speak at the EU-Startups Summit on May 12-13 in Barcelona!

Coming back to an in-person format with a bang, the EU-Startups Summit will take place in Barcelona this year on May 12-13! Our unmissable flagship event

Wojtek Sadowski, the Co-Founder & CEO of Packhelp will speak at the EU-Startups Summit on May 12-13 in Barcelona!

Wojtek Sadowski, the Co-Founder & CEO of Packhelp will speak at the EU-Startups Summit on May 12-13 in Barcelona!

On May 12-13, 2022, we’ll be hosting the 8th edition of our annual EU-Startups Summit in Barcelona! At our highly-awaited flagship in-person event you

Make sure to secure your Tickets soon!

Make sure to secure your Tickets soon!

On May 12-13, 2022, we’ll be hosting the next edition of our annual EU-Startups Summit! At this exclusive in-person event we’ll be showcasing many of Europe’s hottest startups and coming ...