
Cybersecurity Threats & Attacks News

Given the sophistication of cyber-attacks, cybersecurity has become a central focus to protect people and their personal data. Learn more about the common cyber threats we all face in an age when companies are undergoing a digital transformation.

#security #OT #securitynews #IT #cybersecurity #infosecurity
Computer insecurity, Information security, Security, Physical security, Computer security, National security

@helpnetsecurity shared
On May 25, 2022
Can we trust the cybersecurity of the energy sector? - - @DNV_Group @AppliedRisk #cybersecurity #security #infosecurity #itsecurity #CISO #cybersecuritynews #securitynews #OT #IT

Can we trust the cybersecurity of the energy sector?

DNV reveals that energy execs anticipate life, property, and environment-compromising cyberattacks on the sector within the next two years.

@helpnetsecurity shared
On May 25, 2022
Can we trust the cybersecurity of the energy sector? - - @DNV_Group @AppliedRisk #cybersecurity #security #infosecurity #itsecurity #CISO #cybersecuritynews #securitynews #OT #IT
Can we trust the cybersecurity of the energy sector?

Can we trust the cybersecurity of the energy sector?

DNV reveals that energy execs anticipate life, property, and environment-compromising cyberattacks on the sector within the next two years.

Energy Industry Cybersecurity: A Playbook for Incident Response

Energy Industry Cybersecurity: A Playbook for Incident Response

Simulating a Cyberattack on the Energy Industry: A Playbook for Incident Response by Leo Simonovich, Global Head of Industrial Cybersecurity, Siemens Energy, Inc

Key Findings on the State of Operational Technology and Cybersecurity

Key Findings on the State of Operational Technology and Cybersecurity

Security threats to Operational Technology networks, especially in critical infrastructures such as transportation, health, and energy, can have major consequences for ensuring the success ...

Unlocking the value of the EU NIS Directive for your organization

Unlocking the value of the EU NIS Directive for your organization

What does the NIS Directive mean for your business and how can you prepare for it? Learn everything about EU cybersecurity on Accenture Insights.

OT and cybersecurity: a journey to the heart of operational information systems

OT and cybersecurity: a journey to the heart of operational information systems

Cybersecurity for OT systems, an issue in its own right given the very present risks of cyberattacks. An analysis of the issue.

Addressing the Growing Cybersecurity Risks of Cyber-Physical Systems

Addressing the Growing Cybersecurity Risks of Cyber-Physical Systems

By Michael Welch, Managing Director, MorganFranklin Cyber Cyberattacks against critical infrastructure and other cyber-physical systems have increased for years. These attacks are ...

The Evolution of Cybersecurity Solutions and Threats

The Evolution of Cybersecurity Solutions and Threats

In order to know where cybersecurity solutions are headed, we must know where they came from. Learn more about the evolution of cybersecurity solutions.

Week in review: The state of maritime cybersecurity, zero trust architecture challenges

Week in review: The state of maritime cybersecurity, zero trust architecture challenges

Here's an overview of some of last week's most interesting news, articles and interviews: Patched: Critical bug with public PoC exploit in Cisco

ISA and Siemens' cybersecurity workshop shows cybersecurity investment, sophistication on the rise

ISA and Siemens' cybersecurity workshop shows cybersecurity investment, sophistication on the rise

During the workshop, featured experts reported that the rapid pace of digital technology and the increasing sophistication of cyber tools at the disposal of foreign entities are making it ...

Extra, Extra, VERT Reads All About It: Cybersecurity News for the Week of March 28, 2022

Extra, Extra, VERT Reads All About It: Cybersecurity News for the Week of March 28, 2022

These items of cybersecurity news stood out to Tripwire’s Vulnerability Exposure and Research Team (VERT) during the week of March 28, 2022.

Cybersecurity and the energy transition

Cybersecurity and the energy transition

How a holistic approach can protect our networked infrastructure in the Internet of Energy. 

The public sector is a cyberattack magnet, manual processes are to blame

The public sector is a cyberattack magnet, manual processes are to blame

More than half (51%) of respondents said their security teams spend more time on manual processes than handling vulnerabilities, according to a Tenable and Ponemon report.

The Cybersecurity Imperative of Protecting Critical Infrastructure

The Cybersecurity Imperative of Protecting Critical Infrastructure

Over 80% of the critical infrastructure, including defense, oil and gas, electric power grids, healthcare, utilities, communications, transportation, education, banking and finance, is ...

Three Of The Top Investments For Maturing Your Company's Cybersecurity

Three Of The Top Investments For Maturing Your Company's Cybersecurity

“Prevention is ideal, but detection is a must .” But detection without response is of little value.

Nearly 60% of Security Professionals Trust Cybersecurity Findings Verified by Humans over AI

Nearly 60% of Security Professionals Trust Cybersecurity Findings Verified by Humans over AI

New research revealed that while over half of organizations use artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning in their security stack, nearly 60 percent are still more confident in ...

What You Need to Know About Cybersecurity

What You Need to Know About Cybersecurity

This L.A. Times B2B Publishing roundtable discussion provides unique insights into forward-looking business strategies regarding cybersecurity for 2022. For predictions and forecasts, we ...

Cybersecurity Survey Reveals IT/OT Bridges and Disconnects

Cybersecurity Survey Reveals IT/OT Bridges and Disconnects

In a global survey of cybersecurity professionals, Claroty unearths insights into how operations and enterprise networks are increasingly being co-managed. Plus, Claroty and Siemens combine ...

The State of Cybersecurity in Education

The State of Cybersecurity in Education

While recent attacks on infrastructure have taken center stage, what is less publicized is the rise in cyberattacks on schools. In 2020, K-12 schools alone saw a rise of 18% to 408 ...