
Cybersecurity Threats & Attacks News

Given the sophistication of cyber-attacks, cybersecurity has become a central focus to protect people and their personal data. Learn more about the common cyber threats we all face in an age when companies are undergoing a digital transformation.

#cyber #RSAC #FBI
United States, Intelligence agency, Attack, Security, Law enforcement agency, Attack!

@FBI shared
On May 11, 2022
#FBI Cyber's Section Chief David Ring is attending #RSAC 2022 to discuss how the Bureau works with the private sector to reveal malicious #cyber actor activities. Get to know him better at

Get to Know FBI Cyber: David Ring

David Ring leads the FBI Cyber Division’s private sector engagement and cyber-criminal intelligence missions.

@FBI shared
On May 11, 2022
#FBI Cyber's Section Chief David Ring is attending #RSAC 2022 to discuss how the Bureau works with the private sector to reveal malicious #cyber actor activities. Get to know him better at
Get to Know FBI Cyber: David Ring

Get to Know FBI Cyber: David Ring

David Ring leads the FBI Cyber Division’s private sector engagement and cyber-criminal intelligence missions.

Two International Cybercriminal Rings Dismantled and Eight Defendants Indicted for Causing Tens of Millions of Dollars in Losses in Digital Advertising Fraud

Two International Cybercriminal Rings Dismantled and Eight Defendants Indicted for Causing Tens of Millions of Dollars in Losses in Digital Advertising Fraud

A 13-count indictment was unsealed today in federal court in Brooklyn charging Aleksandr Zhukov, Boris Timokhin, Mikhail Andreev, Denis Avdeev, Dmitry Novikov, Sergey Ovsyannikov, Aleksandr ...

Not so IDLE hands: FBI program offers companies data protection via deception

Not so IDLE hands: FBI program offers companies data protection via deception

Newly surfaced doc outlines FBI's IDLE program—which teases thieves with "decoy data."

DOJ seizes domains used to launch malicious emails posing as USAID

DOJ seizes domains used to launch malicious emails posing as USAID

The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Tuesday announced that the U.S.

Top cybersecurity firm FireEye hacked by nation-state

Top cybersecurity firm FireEye hacked by nation-state

Leading cybersecurity firm FireEyes has revealed it was hacked by a "highly sophisticated threat actor" who stole tools it uses to test the security of its customers, which include ...

The Mirai Botnet Architects Are Now Fighting Crime With the FBI

The Mirai Botnet Architects Are Now Fighting Crime With the FBI

In 2016, three friends created a botnet that nearly broke the internet. Now, they're helping the feds catch cybercriminals of all stripes.

SolarWinds Hack ‘Compromised’ 9 Fed Agencies; ‘Executive Action’ on the Way – MeriTalk | #government | #hacking | #cyberattack

SolarWinds Hack ‘Compromised’ 9 Fed Agencies; ‘Executive Action’ on the Way – MeriTalk | #government | #hacking | #cyberattack

The leader of the Federal government’s investigation of the Russia-backed hack of government and private sector networks via SolarWinds Orion products said Feb. 17 that the attack ...

Why the FBI’s cyber attachés are so valuable

Why the FBI’s cyber attachés are so valuable

A cyber attaché being stationed with the host country’s counterparts provides quicker access to information that would otherwise be buried in a bureaucratic approval process.

FBI wants to work more closely with private sector to boost deterrence

FBI wants to work more closely with private sector to boost deterrence

Working more closely with industry and victims is a critical part of the bureau's cyber strategy, Tonya Ugoretz said at CyberTalks 2021.

Jeremy Hammond, Anonymous Hacker and WikiLeaks Source, Summoned to Testify Before a Federal Grand Jury

Jeremy Hammond, Anonymous Hacker and WikiLeaks Source, Summoned to Testify Before a Federal Grand Jury

Imprisoned hacktivist Jeremy Alexander Hammond, a former WikiLeaks source once regarded as the FBI’s most-wanted cybercriminal, has been called to testify before a federal grand jury in the ...

CISA, FBI to US firms: prepare for Ukraine wipers

CISA, FBI to US firms: prepare for Ukraine wipers

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and the FBI issued a joint alert Saturday warning that the two wiper strains that attacked Ukrainian enterprises in the run-up to ...

Don’t Be Held Up for Ransom(ware)

Don’t Be Held Up for Ransom(ware)

Join this panel discussion to learn best practices on how to protect your organization from being held for ransom and minimize the impact to your business.

The FBI Set Up A Task Force To Counter Russian Trolls. So Far, It's Been Silent.

The FBI Set Up A Task Force To Counter Russian Trolls. So Far, It's Been Silent.

The FBI's Foreign Influence Task Force was announced eight months ago. It hasn't been heard from since.

What's happening with cyberattacks in the US

What's happening with cyberattacks in the US

Colonial Pipeline Company President and CEO Joseph Blount said he is grateful for the FBI's "swift work and professionalism" in responding to a ransomware hack on the pipeline last month.

FBI Fights Intellectual Property Theft from University Offices

FBI Fights Intellectual Property Theft from University Offices

Director Christopher Wray noted the importance of attribution in the bureau’s strategy amid growing difficulty investigating cyber crime.

FBI Coronavirus Warning: ‘Significant Spike’ In COVID-19 Scams Targeting These Three States

FBI Coronavirus Warning: ‘Significant Spike’ In COVID-19 Scams Targeting These Three States

As cybercriminals continue to exploit the coronavirus pandemic, the FBI has warned that three U. S. states need to be particularly alert to the cyber-attack threat