
Cybersecurity Threats & Attacks News

Given the sophistication of cyber-attacks, cybersecurity has become a central focus to protect people and their personal data. Learn more about the common cyber threats we all face in an age when companies are undergoing a digital transformation.

#security #SIEM #securitynews #cybersecurity #infosecurity #CISO
Information security, Security guard, Risk, Cloud computing, Computer security, Security

@helpnetsecurity shared
On May 2, 2022
How to avoid security blind spots when logging and monitoring - - @Netsurion #cybersecurity #security #infosecurity #itsecurity #CISO #cybersecuritynews #securitynews #authentication #SIEM

How to avoid security blind spots when logging and monitoring

Getting logging and monitoring right is so important that it is listed among the Center for Internet Security’s critical security controls.

@helpnetsecurity shared
On May 2, 2022
How to avoid security blind spots when logging and monitoring - - @Netsurion #cybersecurity #security #infosecurity #itsecurity #CISO #cybersecuritynews #securitynews #authentication #SIEM
How to avoid security blind spots when logging and monitoring

How to avoid security blind spots when logging and monitoring

Getting logging and monitoring right is so important that it is listed among the Center for Internet Security’s critical security controls.

Establishing Security Maturity Through CIS Cyber Defense Framework

Establishing Security Maturity Through CIS Cyber Defense Framework

Introduction – Choosing the Right Security Controls Framework The cyber threat landscape is evolving at an astronomical rate; we are living in the age

A Look into DXP and Security

A Look into DXP and Security

Security is a big factor when choosing a CMS or DXP. We interviewed Acquia, Crownpeak, and Progress Sitefinity and compared their security measures.

Information Security Analyst

Information Security Analyst

Companies around the world rely on RapidResponse, our cloud-based platform, to manage their supply chains, monitor risks and opportunities, and respond at the pace of change. At Kinaxis, ...

Empowering analysts to strengthen detection and response initiatives

Empowering analysts to strengthen detection and response initiatives

As security professionals evaluate their cyber posture, they should explore extended detection and response (XDR) solutions using these tools.

The IT Security Guru Buyer’s Guide 2022

The IT Security Guru Buyer’s Guide 2022

Cybersecurity and compliance are now essential pillars within the modern enterprise. They are integral to the business continuity and legal responsibility of ev

How do you secure the cloud? New data points a way

How do you secure the cloud? New data points a way

New reports show big differences in risk among public, private and hybrid cloud deployments. Here’s advice on the tools, information and organizational structure needed to execute a ...

Techniques currently popular with APTs and gangs. Mr. Putin says he believes in cooperating against cybercrime. | #cybersecurity | #cyberattack

Techniques currently popular with APTs and gangs. Mr. Putin says he believes in cooperating against cybercrime. | #cybersecurity | #cyberattack

Attacks, Threats, and VulnerabilitiesInjection is the New Black: Novel RTF Template Inject Technique Poised for Widespread Adoption Beyond APT Actors (Proofpoint) RTF template injection is ...

Opinion | Six cybersecurity questions every board should ask

Opinion | Six cybersecurity questions every board should ask

Most attacks— including those at the largest corporations—are relatively unsophisticated

5 Reasons Why Businesses Need Penetration Testing

5 Reasons Why Businesses Need Penetration Testing

For a concrete defense mechanism, existing and future cybersecurity strategies should be put to the test regularly. This is why businesses need penetration testing. From regulatory ...

Navigating Cybersecurity Metrics For Web Applications

Navigating Cybersecurity Metrics For Web Applications

Maintaining a resilient security posture is an ongoing effort for every organization. As reports of data breaches, fraud, and cyberattacks grow increasingly common, it’s important to have ...

Partners in Security: DataBank and Tripwire

Partners in Security: DataBank and Tripwire

Tripwire has announced that its new ExpertOps ℠ Federal offering is being hosted in a FedRAMP-certified cloud computing platform provided by DataBank.

The Rise of Cloud and Ways to Manage its Security Implications

The Rise of Cloud and Ways to Manage its Security Implications

Increase in cloud adoption is posing new cloud security challenges. This article discusses the importance of identifying these challenges and solutions to overcome them.

What Is SIEM and How Does It Enhance Threat Detection?

What Is SIEM and How Does It Enhance Threat Detection?

What is SIEM? Security information and event management helps organizations detect threats via fine-grained, real-time visibility into on-premises and cloud-based activity.

Top 10 Best Cyber Security Software In India In 2022

Top 10 Best Cyber Security Software In India In 2022

Cybersecurity is crucial because it protects all forms of data from being stolen or lost. This category encompasses sensitive data, personally identifiable

How Organizations Can Best Avoid GDPR Fines through Continuous Compliance

How Organizations Can Best Avoid GDPR Fines through Continuous Compliance

The General Data Protection Regulation protects the personal data and privacy of all citizens and residents of EU member states. Alongside this, an organization must conduct regular Data ...

What’s an IT Security Policy and How Do I Create One?

What’s an IT Security Policy and How Do I Create One?

An IT security policy applies security to the needs of the business and guides employees to help keep the business secure. Learn 7 best practices here.

Managed Cloud Security Starts at Level 1 with AWS Level 1 MSSP Competency Partners

Managed Cloud Security Starts at Level 1 with AWS Level 1 MSSP Competency Partners

A Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) can integrate, join forces with, and work alongside in-house security teams, or provide full outsourcing for AWS security operations. To help ...