
Mitre ATT&CK News

Explore the latest news articles and reports about the Mitre Attack Framework, a curated knowledge base that helps network defenders learn exactly how networks are attacked. Discover everything about it and its place in the world of cybersecurity.

#RansomOps #infosec #ransomware #securityteams
Attack, Security, Security guard, Computer security, Information security, Attack!

@cybereason shared
On Jun 15, 2022
The rise of #RansomOps highlights the need for organizations to prioritize #ransomware defense, so how do put that into action? #securityteams #infosec

How AI-Driven XDR Defeats Ransomware

Security teams shouldn’t need to manually triage and investigate disparate alerts from an array of solutions–they need to focus on shutting down a ransomware campaign as quickly as possible...

@cybereason shared
On Jun 15, 2022
The rise of #RansomOps highlights the need for organizations to prioritize #ransomware defense, so how do put that into action? #securityteams #infosec
How AI-Driven XDR Defeats Ransomware

How AI-Driven XDR Defeats Ransomware

Security teams shouldn’t need to manually triage and investigate disparate alerts from an array of solutions–they need to focus on shutting down a ransomware campaign as quickly as ...

CyberheistNews Vol 8 #46 [Heads-Up] New Hybrid Ransomware Strain Evades Detection by All but One Antivirus Engine

CyberheistNews Vol 8 #46 [Heads-Up] New Hybrid Ransomware Strain Evades Detection by All but One Antivirus Engine

CyberheistNews Vol 8 #46 [Heads-Up] New Hybrid Ransomware Strain Evades Detection by All but One Antivirus Engine

Cybersecurity Predictions For 2021

Cybersecurity Predictions For 2021

Here we are again for the annual predictions of the trends and events that will impact the cybersecurity landscape in 2021. Let’s try to predict which

Is Extended Detection and Response (XDR) the Ultimate Foundation of Cybersecurity Infrastructure?

Is Extended Detection and Response (XDR) the Ultimate Foundation of Cybersecurity Infrastructure?

Security information and event management (SIEMs) collect data from security logs and in doing so are supposed to identify blind spots, reduce noise and alert fatigue, and simplify ...

Targeted cyberattacks surpass mass attacks for 2019

Targeted cyberattacks surpass mass attacks for 2019

Cybercriminals are increasingly directing targeted attacks at specific organizations or individuals, says security provider Positive Technologies.

Energy industry vulnerable to increased cyber espionage and sabotage attacks

Energy industry vulnerable to increased cyber espionage and sabotage attacks

Interconnected systems in the energy industry increase vulnerabilities, and cyber attacks often go undetected for some time. “Espionage and sabotage attacks against CNI organizations have ...

New Cyberattack Tactics Against Businesses Require Advanced Network Defenses

New Cyberattack Tactics Against Businesses Require Advanced Network Defenses

The cybersecurity skills shortage has reached an all-time-high, with 53 percent of organizations agreeing they have suffered from this gap.

More on Targeted Attacks and How to Protect Against Them

More on Targeted Attacks and How to Protect Against Them

How do targeted attacks and APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) attacks differ? Who is targeted most often? What are the protective measures? Get answers here.

22 very bad stats on the growth of phishing, ransomware

22 very bad stats on the growth of phishing, ransomware

Successful phishing attacks hit 46% more companies in 2021, and nearly half led to ransomware infection, email security firm Proofpoint says.

The Weekly Ledger

The Weekly Ledger

Software Firm at Center of Ransomware Attack Was Warned of Flaw (The Wall Street Journal) “When we discovered the vulnerabilities in early April, it was evident to us that we could not let ...

2019 cyber-security predictions - Pandora's box of ills - but Hope remains

2019 cyber-security predictions - Pandora's box of ills - but Hope remains

From AI-driven chat-bots to Zero-day mining as a service, via Fuzzing and the impact of 5G, the successes and failures of GDPR, loss of faith in the public internet, dire warnings on ...

2022 threat predictions: Ransomware, ransomware, ransomware

2022 threat predictions: Ransomware, ransomware, ransomware

Many of the cyber professionals who submitted predictions for the upcoming year seem to think that the threat posed by groups infiltrating organizations’ systems and encrypting their data ...

Threat Analysis: How the Rapid Evolution of Reporting Can Change Security

Threat Analysis: How the Rapid Evolution of Reporting Can Change Security

Threat analysis can help security teams prioritize tasks and run more efficiently. Find out what sets these strategies and tools apart.

Click here to read the article

Click here to read the article

iDefense threat intelligence analysts believe that a result of political tensions stemming from the possible abolishment of the JCPOA agreement will be that the IRGC Cyber Command is highly ...

Automox 2020 Predictions: Four Attack Threats on the Rise

Automox 2020 Predictions: Four Attack Threats on the Rise

As we embark on a new year, it's clear that our attack surface is greater than ever before. Here are four attack methods that will be most prevalent in 2020.

HHS: Health Sector Should Prepare for Ukraine-Russia Threats

HHS: Health Sector Should Prepare for Ukraine-Russia Threats

Federal authorities are advising healthcare sector entities to take precautions, including enhancing their cybersecurity posture and being prepared to implement