
General Cybersecurity News

Discover cybersecurity news articles with the latest tips and trends. Learn about the ins and outs of cybersecurity threats, as these threats represent a fundamental issue that affects almost all aspects of our modern lives.

Personal digital assistant, Mobile software, Mobile device, Security, Computer security, Mobile computing

@DarkReading shared
On Aug 2, 2022
Thousands of Mobile Apps Leaking Twitter API Keys: by @jaivijayan

Thousands of Mobile Apps Leaking Twitter API Keys

New finding comes amid report of overall surge in threats targeting mobile and IoT devices over the past year.

@DarkReading shared
On Aug 2, 2022
Thousands of Mobile Apps Leaking Twitter API Keys: by @jaivijayan
Thousands of Mobile Apps Leaking Twitter API Keys

Thousands of Mobile Apps Leaking Twitter API Keys

New finding comes amid report of overall surge in threats targeting mobile and IoT devices over the past year.

Twitter account takeovers possible as thousands of apps found to leak API keys

Twitter account takeovers possible as thousands of apps found to leak API keys

Security researchers say Twitter API keys case stands as one in a long line of cloud security incidents caused by misconfigured APIs.

Why mobile device management will enhance enterprise IT security

Why mobile device management will enhance enterprise IT security

More mobile devices are entering corporate networks, either as corporate-owned devices or as BYOD. IT admins are responsible for making sure these devices are always secure. This is where ...

8 mobile security threats you should take seriously

8 mobile security threats you should take seriously

Mobile malware? Other mobile security threats are more pressing. Every enterprise should have its eye on these eight issues.

7 mobile security threats you should take seriously in 2019

7 mobile security threats you should take seriously in 2019

Mobile malware? Some mobile security threats are more pressing. Every enterprise should have its eye on these seven issues this year.

Cybersecurity Issues to Keep an Eye on in the New Year

Cybersecurity Issues to Keep an Eye on in the New Year

With record-breaking attacks in 2021 according to Crowdstrike, end-users and organizations must remain vigilant to protect against cybersecurity threats. Gartner, an IT industry research ...



Citi Orient Securities worked with BlackBerry and Awingu to let their IT, transaction and trading staff securely access legacy applications and files on any device.

T-Mobile: Massive BYOD growth raises huge enterprise security risks

T-Mobile: Massive BYOD growth raises huge enterprise security risks

As millions of employees began working from home, enterprises may have unwittingly created millions of network access points for hackers.

How 85% of mobile apps violate security standards

How 85% of mobile apps violate security standards

The majority of mobile apps contain cybersecurity flaws in data storage, communication, or authentication practices, according to a WhiteHat report. Here are three tips to remedy the issues.

The 5 Most Common Cyber-Attacks on Mobile Devices In 2021

The 5 Most Common Cyber-Attacks on Mobile Devices In 2021

By Nicole Allen, Marketing Executive, Salt Communications. Many companies are prioritising mobile efforts these days with research suggesting that increased mobility helps businesses ...

Monitoring IoT devices in real time with AWS AppSync

Monitoring IoT devices in real time with AWS AppSync

This article was written by David Moser, Senior Solutions Architect, AWS IoT devices can generate a tremendous amount of data. Analytics in the cloud and at the edge turn this data into ...

The 6 Steps to Mobile Security Optimization For Your Business

The 6 Steps to Mobile Security Optimization For Your Business

What are the 6 steps to mobile security optimization for your enterprise? How can you help your solution run as efficiently as possible? We explore below! The 6 Steps to Mobile Security ...

CyberheistNews Vol 11 #17 [Heads Up] Mobile Is Now a Big Problem: 97% of Organizations Experienced Attacks in 2020

CyberheistNews Vol 11 #17 [Heads Up] Mobile Is Now a Big Problem: 97% of Organizations Experienced Attacks in 2020

CyberheistNews Vol 11 #17 [Heads Up] Mobile Is Now a Big Problem: 97% of Organizations Experienced Attacks in 2020

Downloading the Wrong Apps Could Get You Hacked

Downloading the Wrong Apps Could Get You Hacked

The apps on your smartphone could be a slam dunk for hackers.