
Companies and Cybersecurity Services News

Cyber criminals are getting smarter and strive to find new ways to sneak into a company’s information systems. Cyber security companies are turning to innovative solutions to combat those threats, in order to minimize cybercrimes.

Fred Trump, Donald Trump, Ivana Trump, United States, Financial Times, 40 Wall Street

@WeldPond shared
On Feb 28, 2022
The monitoring is made possible by little-scrutinized partnerships, both informal and formal, among cybersecurity companies, telecos ant govt agencies. US govt is obtaining bulk data about network usage and has fought disclosure about such activities.

Special counsel Durham’s probe reveals vast government and private sector access to unregulated data streams

John Durham has been looking into the origins of the FBI’s investigation into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

@WeldPond shared
On Feb 28, 2022
The monitoring is made possible by little-scrutinized partnerships, both informal and formal, among cybersecurity companies, telecos ant govt agencies. US govt is obtaining bulk data about network usage and has fought disclosure about such activities.
Special counsel Durham’s probe reveals vast government and private sector access to unregulated data streams

Special counsel Durham’s probe reveals vast government and private sector access to unregulated data streams

John Durham has been looking into the origins of the FBI’s investigation into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Evidence presented to grand jury in Durham’s Russia probe

Evidence presented to grand jury in Durham’s Russia probe

WASHINGTON (AP) — John Durham, the federal prosecutor tapped to investigate the origins of the Russia investigation, has been presenting evidence before a grand jury as part of his probe, a ...

Trump is rolling back restraints on US cyberwarfare, and it could make an attack on other countries more likely

Trump is rolling back restraints on US cyberwarfare, and it could make an attack on other countries more likely

President Donald Trump has reversed Obama-era rules about how and when the US can launch a cyberattack. The move is meant to support military operations and deter foreign election ...

Israeli agencies publish policy paper on data portability

Israeli agencies publish policy paper on data portability

A group of Israeli agencies published a policy paper on data portability rights.

Fact-checking Barr’s dispute of inspector general’s report on the FBI, Russia probe

Fact-checking Barr’s dispute of inspector general’s report on the FBI, Russia probe

Attorney General William Barr blasted the FBI over its 2016 decision to open the Russia investigation later led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, rejecting an inspector general’s ...

Declassified Records Show What Witnesses In The Mueller Probe Told The FBI About Trump And Russia

Declassified Records Show What Witnesses In The Mueller Probe Told The FBI About Trump And Russia

BuzzFeed News successfully sued the federal government for the right to review copies of FBI interview summaries that Robert Mueller kept from the public. Today, we are publishing the 11th ...