
Companies and Cybersecurity Services News

Cyber criminals are getting smarter and strive to find new ways to sneak into a company’s information systems. Cyber security companies are turning to innovative solutions to combat those threats, in order to minimize cybercrimes.

Attack, Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, Information security, Security, Attack!

@tonymorbin shared
On Feb 7, 2022
In news that should shock no one, security researchers say the ransomware operation known as Alphv - aka BlackCat - appears to be a reboot of the notorious group known as BlackMatter, which was itself a rebrand of DarkSide. #cybersecurity

Ransomware: Alphv/BlackCat Is DarkSide/BlackMatter Reboot

The ransomware operation known as Alphv - aka BlackCat - appears to be a reboot of the DarkSide group, which rebranded as BlackMatter following serious encryption and victim-selection mistakes. Amid reports that Alphv has disrupted 17 oil terminals in Western Europe, how long until the ...

@tonymorbin shared
On Feb 7, 2022
In news that should shock no one, security researchers say the ransomware operation known as Alphv - aka BlackCat - appears to be a reboot of the notorious group known as BlackMatter, which was itself a rebrand of DarkSide. #cybersecurity
Ransomware: Alphv/BlackCat Is DarkSide/BlackMatter Reboot

Ransomware: Alphv/BlackCat Is DarkSide/BlackMatter Reboot

The ransomware operation known as Alphv - aka BlackCat - appears to be a reboot of the DarkSide group, which rebranded as BlackMatter following serious encryption and victim-selection ...

With ransomware on the rise, a rare win saves firms millions

With ransomware on the rise, a rare win saves firms millions

In a year rife with ransomware attacks, when cybercriminals have held the data of police departments, grocery and pharmacy chains, hospitals, pipelines and water treatment plants hostage, ...

BlackCat ransomware implicated in attack on German oil companies

BlackCat ransomware implicated in attack on German oil companies

German newspaper Handelsblatt said 233 gas stations across Germany have been affected by the incident.

Where's the Beef? Ransomware Hit Highlights Cyber Problems

Where's the Beef? Ransomware Hit Highlights Cyber Problems

The ransomware attack that disrupted operations at meat processing giant JBS has exposed cybersecurity shortcomings in the U.S. agricultural sector and food supply

BlackMatter and Haron ransomware groups emerge after DarkSide and REvil disappear

BlackMatter and Haron ransomware groups emerge after DarkSide and REvil disappear

Two new ransomware groups - BlackMatter and Haron - have emerged this July 2021, soon after the sudden disappearance of top-tier ransomware threat actors DarkSide and REvil. 

Cyberattack Cripples European Oil Port Terminals

Cyberattack Cripples European Oil Port Terminals

A large-scale cyberattack has disrupted operations at oil terminals in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands with ransomware impacting fuel distribution, affecting

Cyber security predictions for 2022. What the experts expect.

Cyber security predictions for 2022. What the experts expect.

Cyber security predictions for 2022. We reached out to a selection experts to get their predictions about the developments we can expect to see in 2022.

New Cooperative's Ransomware Attack Underscores Threat to Food & Agriculture

New Cooperative's Ransomware Attack Underscores Threat to Food & Agriculture

The Iowa grain cooperative took its systems offline in response to a security incident earlier this week.

Get Smart: Leveraging Threat Intel To Detect Ransomware

Get Smart: Leveraging Threat Intel To Detect Ransomware

Operationalizing high fidelity threat intelligence can help your organization short circuit emerging ransomware attacks. Here’s how

Ransomware Landscape: REvil Is One of Many Operators

Ransomware Landscape: REvil Is One of Many Operators

As the Biden administration attempts to force Russia to crack down on its domestic cybercriminals, one challenge will be the sheer diversity of attack code being

National Cyber Director Sees Ransomware As Continuing Threat

National Cyber Director Sees Ransomware As Continuing Threat

Despite a recent slowdown in incidents and some cybercriminals claiming they have stopped or abandoned ransomware attacks, National Cyber Director Chris Inglis says

Widespread ransomware attack is affecting hundreds of businesses

Widespread ransomware attack is affecting hundreds of businesses

Researchers said cybercriminals were sending two different ransom notes on Friday — demanding $50,000 from smaller companies and $5 million from larger ones.

Law enforcement raids ransomware group that counted US universities among its targets

Law enforcement raids ransomware group that counted US universities among its targets

One of the group’s most notable incidents took place earlier this year when they attempted to extort major companies like Shell, Qualys, Jones Day, Flagstar and others who utilized the ...

Ransomware: Has the U.S. reached a tipping point?

Ransomware: Has the U.S. reached a tipping point?

The U.S. government has taken a number of steps to address the threat of ransomware, which experts say has gotten increasingly more dangerous.

US government plans to disrupt hackers behind Colonial Pipeline ransomware, Biden says

US government plans to disrupt hackers behind Colonial Pipeline ransomware, Biden says

President Joe Biden has plans to disrupt the hackers behind the Colonial Pipeline ransomware incident, just as it resumes service.

BlackCat (ALPHV) ransomware linked to BlackMatter, DarkSide gangs

BlackCat (ALPHV) ransomware linked to BlackMatter, DarkSide gangs

The Black Cat ransomware gang, also known as ALPHV, has confirmed they are former members of the notorious BlackMatter/DarkSide ransomware operation.

BlackMatter Strikes Iowa Farmers Cooperative, Demands $5.9M Ransom

BlackMatter Strikes Iowa Farmers Cooperative, Demands $5.9M Ransom

Critical infrastructure appears to be targeted in latest ransomware attack, diminishing the hopes of governments to curb such attacks.

Fallout continues from biggest global ransomware attack

Fallout continues from biggest global ransomware attack

REvil was demanding ransoms of up to $5 million. But late Sunday it offered in a posting on its dark web site a universal decryptor software key that would unscramble all affected machines ...

Iowa farm services firm: systems offline due to cybersecurity incident

Iowa farm services firm: systems offline due to cybersecurity incident

CYBER-NEW COOPERATIVE/ (UPDATE 3, PIX):UPDATE 3-Iowa farm services firm: systems offline due to cybersecurity incident

Why ransomware cyberattacks are on the rise

Why ransomware cyberattacks are on the rise

A recent spate of ransomware attacks has left the nation reeling.

CyberheistNews Vol 11 #18 [Heads Up] End-User Attempt to Pirate Software Leads to Ryuk Ransomware Attack

CyberheistNews Vol 11 #18 [Heads Up] End-User Attempt to Pirate Software Leads to Ryuk Ransomware Attack

CyberheistNews Vol 11 #18 [Heads Up] End-User Attempt to Pirate Software Leads to Ryuk Ransomware Attack