Cybersecurity Essentials

Companies and Services

Cyber criminals are getting smarter and strive to find new ways to sneak into a company’s information systems. In order to minimize cybercrimes, companies in the space are putting their best efforts in combating those threats thanks to innovative solutions.

Korean War, Korean Demilitarized Zone, Korean language, Korea, South Korea, Pyongyang

@symantec shared
On Nov 22, 2021
RT @davenieland: North Korean Hackers Caught Snooping on China’s Cyber Squad; read the insights from @symantec's @vthakur via @thedailybeast

North Korean Hackers Caught Snooping on China’s Cyber Squad

North Korean hackers are under fierce pressure to raise revenue to fund regime goals. Now they’re trying to spy on Chinese security researchers to get better hacking tools.

@symantec shared
On Nov 22, 2021
RT @davenieland: North Korean Hackers Caught Snooping on China’s Cyber Squad; read the insights from @symantec's @vthakur via @thedailybeast
North Korean Hackers Caught Snooping on China’s Cyber Squad

North Korean Hackers Caught Snooping on China’s Cyber Squad

North Korean hackers are under fierce pressure to raise revenue to fund regime goals. Now they’re trying to spy on Chinese security researchers to get better hacking tools.

Cash-Starved North Korea Eyed in Brazen Bank Hack

Cash-Starved North Korea Eyed in Brazen Bank Hack

Hackers who stole tens of millions of dollars to fund North Korea’s nuclear weapons program in 2016 tried hitting another bank last year, The Daily Beast has learned.

North Korean Cyberattacks: A Dangerous and Evolving Threat

North Korean Cyberattacks: A Dangerous and Evolving Threat

North Korean missiles and nuclear weapons have garnered fear, international condemnation, and tough sanctions. Pyongyang’s cyber activities, however, have elicited less reaction and ...

US govt warns of North Korean hackers targeting banks worldwide

US govt warns of North Korean hackers targeting banks worldwide

North Korean hackers tracked as BeagleBoyz have been using malicious remote access tools as part of ongoing attacks to steal millions from international banks according to a joint ...

US Unseals Indictments Against North Korean Cyberattackers for Thefts Totaling $1.3B

US Unseals Indictments Against North Korean Cyberattackers for Thefts Totaling $1.3B

FBI, CISA, and Treasury Department also release details about North Korean malware used in cryptocurrency thefts since 2018.

North Korean Attacks on Banks Attributed to 'APT38' Group

North Korean Attacks on Banks Attributed to 'APT38' Group

Many of North Korea’s financially motivated attacks, including some previously attributed to Lazarus, have been linked by FireEye to a group named APT38

North Korea hackers use social media to target security researchers

North Korea hackers use social media to target security researchers

Google finds use of bogus Twitter, LinkedIn profiles to identify vulnerabilities.

US Treasury sanctions three North Korean hacking groups

US Treasury sanctions three North Korean hacking groups

US wants to seize financial assets associated with the Lazarus Group, Bluenoroff, and Andarial.

North Korea Internet Use Spikes As Regime Relies on Hacking and Crypto to Circumvent Sanctions

North Korea Internet Use Spikes As Regime Relies on Hacking and Crypto to Circumvent Sanctions

"The Kim regime has developed a model for using and exploiting the internet that is unique—it is a nation run like a criminal syndicate," the Recorded Future report said.

Weekly Threat Briefing: North Korean Hackers Go On Phishing Expedition Before Trump-Kim Summit

Weekly Threat Briefing: North Korean Hackers Go On Phishing Expedition Before Trump-Kim Summit

This section listed below contains summaries on various threat intelligence stories that occurred during the past week. The intelligence in this week’s iteration discuss the following ...

North Korean foreign minister to visit China this week

North Korean foreign minister to visit China this week

BEIJING: North Korea's foreign minister will visit China this week for three days to meet senior officials and discuss the situation on the Korean ...