
Companies and Cybersecurity Services News

Cyber criminals are getting smarter and strive to find new ways to sneak into a company’s information systems. Cyber security companies are turning to innovative solutions to combat those threats, in order to minimize cybercrimes.

#patients #Cybersecurity #pharma #Security #healthcare
Identity theft, Breach, Personally identifiable information, Computer security, Access control, Credential

@PogoWasRight shared
On Mar 14, 2022
RT @Matt_R_Fisher: #Cybersecurity must be important to all areas of #healthcare industry. #Security compromises up in #pharma, which impacts company even if not necessarily #patients. h/t @PogoWasRight

The Human Factor in Data Security Breaches

A new report examining pharma sector exposure makes for sobering reading, especially in US.

@PogoWasRight shared
On Mar 14, 2022
RT @Matt_R_Fisher: #Cybersecurity must be important to all areas of #healthcare industry. #Security compromises up in #pharma, which impacts company even if not necessarily #patients. h/t @PogoWasRight
The Human Factor in Data Security Breaches

The Human Factor in Data Security Breaches

A new report examining pharma sector exposure makes for sobering reading, especially in US.

Exposed corporate credentials threatening the pharma sector

Exposed corporate credentials threatening the pharma sector

Constella's report includes new and additional findings pertaining to exposures, breaches, and leakages within the pharma sector,

It’s not all about the C-suite: How to digitally protect employees

It’s not all about the C-suite: How to digitally protect employees

Now more than ever, discussions must be had on digital and cyber protections for employees, not just executives and the C-suite.

Top Ten: Things Learned from the Cost of a Data Breach Report

Top Ten: Things Learned from the Cost of a Data Breach Report

Dissecting the results of this year's cost of a data breach report

‘Dark web’ data sale threatens vast government data breach

‘Dark web’ data sale threatens vast government data breach

Personal information including the names, dates of birth and taxpayer IDs of 92 million Brazilians is being advertised for sale on the ‘dark web’, in what could be one of the biggest ...

Who stole my data?

Who stole my data?

Recent incidents of cyber hacking have exposed how users have no legal or technical protection — not even the right to know — when their personal ..

The 5 Most Cringe-Worthy Privileged Data Breaches of 2018

The 5 Most Cringe-Worthy Privileged Data Breaches of 2018

Privileged attack vectors and stolen personally identifiable information (PII) obtained have been a constantly paired news item throughout 2018. #4 Saks Fifth Avenue and Lord & Taylor On ...

Data breaches soared by 17% in 2019: ‘We also saw the rise of a significant new threat’

Data breaches soared by 17% in 2019: ‘We also saw the rise of a significant new threat’

‘It would appear that 2018 was an anomaly in how many data breaches were reported and the number of records exposed.’

What you need to know about the effects of data breaches

What you need to know about the effects of data breaches

A new report examines how data breaches can put individuals at risk of cybercrime and how people can protect themselves online.

Credential stuffing: the data availability problem

Credential stuffing: the data availability problem

If data is the valuable asset locked away for safekeeping, credentials are key to opening the vault. For threat actors, the real value of credentials is that they offer access without trace.

Top five data breach trends

Top five data breach trends

Experian’s seventh annual “Data Breach Industry Forecast 2020,” outlines five key data breach trends to keep an eye on over the next 12 months involving smishing, drones, deepfakes, mobile ...

A Look Back at 2019: A Review of Webhose’s Cyber Predictions from Last Year

A Look Back at 2019: A Review of Webhose’s Cyber Predictions from Last Year

What were the main trends of 2019? We take a look back at the last year to compare cybersecurity trends from mainstream media with what we saw in Webhose's dark web data feeds.

Cyber Security Breach: What Happens in the Fallout?

Cyber Security Breach: What Happens in the Fallout?

What happens after a data breach? We're exploring the secondary digital risks associated with a cyber security breach and how to be better prepared.

Data Security

Data Security

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