
Companies and Cybersecurity Services News

Cyber criminals are getting smarter and strive to find new ways to sneak into a company’s information systems. Cyber security companies are turning to innovative solutions to combat those threats, in order to minimize cybercrimes.

Transport Layer Security, World Wide Web, Google, Hypertext Transfer Protocol, Web browser, Internet

@runasand shared
On Sep 6, 2022
RT @EFF: We mourn the loss of activist and cybersecurity expert Peter Eckersley, whose heart and vision never wavered from what would best serve humanity as a whole.

Honoring Peter Eckersley, Who Made the Internet a Safer Place for Everyone

With deep sadness, EFF mourns the loss of our friend, the technologist, activist, and cybersecurity expert Peter Eckersley. Peter worked at EFF for a dozen years and was EFF’s Chief Computer Scientist for many of those. Peter was a tremendous force in making the internet a safer place. He ...

@runasand shared
On Sep 6, 2022
RT @EFF: We mourn the loss of activist and cybersecurity expert Peter Eckersley, whose heart and vision never wavered from what would best serve humanity as a whole.
Honoring Peter Eckersley, Who Made the Internet a Safer Place for Everyone

Honoring Peter Eckersley, Who Made the Internet a Safer Place for Everyone

With deep sadness, EFF mourns the loss of our friend, the technologist, activist, and cybersecurity expert Peter Eckersley. Peter worked at EFF for a dozen years and was EFF’s Chief ...

Peter Eckersley, Co-Creator of Let's Encrypt, Dies at 43

Peter Eckersley, Co-Creator of Let's Encrypt, Dies at 43

Seven years ago, Slashdot reader #66,542 announced "Panopticlick 2.0," a site showing how your web browser handles trackers. But it was just one of the many privacy-protecting projects ...

How HTTPS Everywhere Keeps Protecting Users On An Increasingly Encrypted Web

How HTTPS Everywhere Keeps Protecting Users On An Increasingly Encrypted Web

Way back in 2010, we launched our popular browser extension HTTPS Everywhere as part of our effort to encrypt the web. At the time, the need for HTTPS Everywhere to protect browsing ...

Automate certificate management on your firewall to find threats in encrypted HTTPS sessions

Automate certificate management on your firewall to find threats in encrypted HTTPS sessions

Check Point’s Next Generation Firewalls and the Venafi Platform protect privacy, secure network transactions and defend intellectual property.

Inspecting TLS Web Traffic – Part 1

Inspecting TLS Web Traffic – Part 1

In this series of blogs I'm going to talk about how the continued move towards all web traffic being encrypted has impacted enterprise security. In this blog I'm going to focus on the ...

Peter Eckersley (computer scientist)

Peter Eckersley (computer scientist)

Peter Daniel Eckersley (15 June 1979[citation needed] – 3 September 2022[1]) was an Australian computer scientist, computer security researcher, and activist. From 2006 to 2018, he worked ...

Why is Google Crazy About SSL Certificate? [& What Can You do?]

Why is Google Crazy About SSL Certificate? [& What Can You do?]

Google is forcing SSL certificate on all websites. Sites without SSL Certificate will show 'Not Secure' to visitors and you lose your website SEO rankings!

Network security monitoring is dead, and encryption killed it.

Network security monitoring is dead, and encryption killed it.

By Richard Bejtlich, Principal Security Strategist, Corelight This post is part of a multi-part series on encryption and network security monitoring. This post covers a brief history of ...

Website test:

Website test:

Test for modern Internet Standards like IPv6, DNSSEC, HTTPS, TLS, HSTS, DMARC, DKIM, SPF, STARTTLS and DANE.

Half of Alexa Top 1 Million sites now use HTTPS

Half of Alexa Top 1 Million sites now use HTTPS

According Scott Helme's latest analysis of the one million most visited websites according to Alexa, 51.8% are actively redirecting to HTTPS.

Top 7 Best Google Chrome Privacy Extensions

Top 7 Best Google Chrome Privacy Extensions

In this guide, you will discover our top pick of the best Google Chrome privacy extensions you can use to protect yourself in 2020.