
Companies and Cybersecurity Services News

Cyber criminals are getting smarter and strive to find new ways to sneak into a company’s information systems. Cyber security companies are turning to innovative solutions to combat those threats, in order to minimize cybercrimes.

Health care, Health insurance, Medicare, Identity theft, Social Security number, Medicine

@SCMagazine shared
On Sep 27, 2022
The weekly roundup of health data breaches includes incidents from Physician's Business Office in West Virginia, Reiter Affiliated Companies in California; Dyersburg Family Walk-In Clinic in Tennesee; and OakBend Medical Center in Texas #healthIT

Health data theft at Physician’s Business Office impacts 197K patients

This week’s healthcare data breach roundup includes multiple hacking and data theft incidents, led by a hack and subsequent data theft at Physician’s Business Office in West Virginia.

@SCMagazine shared
On Sep 27, 2022
The weekly roundup of health data breaches includes incidents from Physician's Business Office in West Virginia, Reiter Affiliated Companies in California; Dyersburg Family Walk-In Clinic in Tennesee; and OakBend Medical Center in Texas #healthIT
Health data theft at Physician’s Business Office impacts 197K patients

Health data theft at Physician’s Business Office impacts 197K patients

This week’s healthcare data breach roundup includes multiple hacking and data theft incidents, led by a hack and subsequent data theft at Physician’s Business Office in West Virginia.

Ransomware attack on billing vendor leads to data theft for 942K patients

Ransomware attack on billing vendor leads to data theft for 942K patients

This week’s healthcare data breach roundup includes numerous delayed notifications, including a ransomware attack on Practice Resources that led to data theft for 28 of its provider clients.

Stolen Patient Records a Hot Commodity on the Dark Web

Stolen Patient Records a Hot Commodity on the Dark Web

A less immediate, but no less catastrophic, result from such a ransomware attack is where the hackers also steal as many EHRs as possible to sell on dark web marketplaces.

Why is Data Security significant in Healthcare?

Why is Data Security significant in Healthcare?

Counted among the biggest health data breaches of 2019, Quest Diagnostics reported the exposure of its 11.9 million patients’ personal data. An access breach by an unauthorized user at ...

The healthcare cybersecurity market to grow steadily by 2026

The healthcare cybersecurity market to grow steadily by 2026

The healthcare cybersecurity market registered a CAGR of 15.6% over the forecast period 2021 - 2026, according to ResearchAndMarkets.

Patients increasingly suing hospitals over data breaches

Patients increasingly suing hospitals over data breaches

Fifty-eight lawsuits were filed in 2021, with 43 of them filed against healthcare organizations, the largest percentage among all industries.

North Ottawa Community Health System Discovers 3-Year Insider Breach

North Ottawa Community Health System Discovers 3-Year Insider Breach

A former employee of North Ottawa Community Health System has been inappropriately accessing patient records for 3 years.

10,000 Breaches Later: Top Five Medical and Healthcare Data Breaches

10,000 Breaches Later: Top Five Medical and Healthcare Data Breaches

In the last two years, the ITRC has seen an increase in medical and healthcare data breaches – more than any other category we track.

Hackers hit Broward Health network, potentially exposing data on 1.3M patients, staff

Hackers hit Broward Health network, potentially exposing data on 1.3M patients, staff

Hackers breached the computer networks of Broward Health in October and may have accessed personal and financial information on more than 1.3 million patients and staff.

Data of 15M Patients Stolen, Retrieved in LifeLabs Cyberattack

Data of 15M Patients Stolen, Retrieved in LifeLabs Cyberattack

This week's breach roundup is led by a LifeLabs cyberattack that impacted 15 million patients; the vendor paid the cybercriminals to retrieve customers' health information breached in the ...

Over 500,000 Patients Hit by Data Breaches at Healthcare Firms in Alabama, Colorado

Over 500,000 Patients Hit by Data Breaches at Healthcare Firms in Alabama, Colorado

The information of more than half a million individuals was likely compromised after three healthcare services providers in Alabama and Colorado suffered cybersecurity breaches.

Ransomware Attack on Lab in Florida

Ransomware Attack on Lab in Florida

Cyber-intrusion at Nationwide Laboratory Services impacts more than 30K patients

Importance of Cybersecurity in Healthcare

Importance of Cybersecurity in Healthcare

Privacy and security of personal health information has always been important. Transitioning to digital data has many benefits, but has also introduced risks.