
Companies and Cybersecurity Services News

Cyber criminals are getting smarter and strive to find new ways to sneak into a company’s information systems. Cyber security companies are turning to innovative solutions to combat those threats, in order to minimize cybercrimes.

#cyberwarfare #cybersecurity
Crimea, Ukraine, Romania, Ukrainians, Russia, Russian language

@tonymorbin shared
On Aug 22, 2022
A deeper look at the range of cyberattacks and attackers in the Ukraine war. @[email protected]; @Mathew Schwartz . Coordination of cyber/kinetic attacks to amplify impact. #cyberwarfare #cybersecurity

Cyber Standoff: 51 Groups Tied to Russia-Ukraine War Attacks

The crowded field of 51 threat groups in the Russia-Ukraine cyberwar has attacked dozens of nations - with attacks in Ukraine aimed at "sowing chaos and

@tonymorbin shared
On Aug 22, 2022
A deeper look at the range of cyberattacks and attackers in the Ukraine war. @[email protected]; @Mathew Schwartz . Coordination of cyber/kinetic attacks to amplify impact. #cyberwarfare #cybersecurity
Cyber Standoff: 51 Groups Tied to Russia-Ukraine War Attacks

Cyber Standoff: 51 Groups Tied to Russia-Ukraine War Attacks

The crowded field of 51 threat groups in the Russia-Ukraine cyberwar has attacked dozens of nations - with attacks in Ukraine aimed at "sowing chaos and

Ukraine : Intrusion set involved in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

Ukraine : Intrusion set involved in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

While the military conflict continues, the cyber one is intensifying. A new series of offensive and destructive cyberattacks against Ukraine's infrastructure, as well as responses targeting ...

Trouble ahead for the Senate’s big cyber bill?

Trouble ahead for the Senate’s big cyber bill?

Also: The SolarWinds CEO talks about preparing for any new Russian espionage campaigns.

Hacking team tied to Russia targeted 'western government entity' in Ukraine -researchers

Hacking team tied to Russia targeted 'western government entity' in Ukraine -researchers

A hacking team that Ukraine says is controlled by Russian intelligence targeted a "western government entity" currently in the country, based on new research published by Palo Alto Networks ...

Russian Hallmarks Are All Over Cyberattacks on Ukraine

Russian Hallmarks Are All Over Cyberattacks on Ukraine

Hackers have broken into Ukraine government networks since last summer. Now that they’re lobbing off destructive malware, concerns are mounting that it’s just the opening salvo.

The IO Offensive: Information Operations Surrounding the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

The IO Offensive: Information Operations Surrounding the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

New Mandiant research detailing the various IO activities seen by nation-state actors, resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The Role of Cyber Attacks in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

The Role of Cyber Attacks in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

As part of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, cyber attacks combining multiple threat vectors have occured, including malware, DDoS attacks, and social engineering.

Cyber War and Ukraine

Cyber War and Ukraine

Download the Report This is a preliminary review of cyber operations in the Ukraine conflict based on publicly available information. Ukraine was not the first “cyber war”—the term itself ...

Cyberthreats during Russian-Ukrainian tensions: what can we learn from history to be prepared?

Cyberthreats during Russian-Ukrainian tensions: what can we learn from history to be prepared?

A review of 15 years of activity designed to distract, confuse, deny, destablize, and divide

Ukraine Hacks Add to Worries of Cyber Conflict With Russia

Ukraine Hacks Add to Worries of Cyber Conflict With Russia

While it is not immediately clear who was behind cyberattacks on Ukraine, they come amid heightened tensions with Russia and after talks between Moscow and the West failed to yield any ...

What we do and don’t know about the cyberattack on Ukraine

What we do and don’t know about the cyberattack on Ukraine

While links with Russian hacking groups, or Russia itself, are far from certain, some experts point at similar tactics used in the past.

Russia's cyber offensive against Ukraine has been limited so far. Experts are divided on why

Russia's cyber offensive against Ukraine has been limited so far. Experts are divided on why

US officials warned that a wave of debilitating cyberattacks could accompany Russia's war on Ukraine. So far they haven't materialized, and US and Ukrainian officials are contemplating why ...

The Ukraine-Russia cyber war: Q&A with Chris Kubecka

The Ukraine-Russia cyber war: Q&A with Chris Kubecka

In this transcript from a recent Q&A session on April 29, Chris Kubecka, the distinguished chair of MEI’s Cyber Security and Emerging Technology Program, provides insights on key issues and ...

Russia Began Setting Stage for Cyberattacks Against Ukraine a Year Ago

Russia Began Setting Stage for Cyberattacks Against Ukraine a Year Ago

The Kremlin’s cyber warriors began working to gain a foothold in Ukrainian government and critical infrastructure networks a year before the invasion, according to a report issued by ...

Russia to evacuate embassy staff from Ukraine as Putin signals war is coming

Russia to evacuate embassy staff from Ukraine as Putin signals war is coming

Putin also received approval to send in troops in a further signal war is likely.

Chinese Hackers Ramp Up Europe Attacks In Time With Russia-Ukraine War

Chinese Hackers Ramp Up Europe Attacks In Time With Russia-Ukraine War

Chinese hackers enter the fray of the Ukraine conflict, according to Google and Proofpoint researchers. They appear to be targeting European government entities and hacking their way into ...

Anonymous Extends Its Russian Cyberwar to State-Run Media

Anonymous Extends Its Russian Cyberwar to State-Run Media

As Russia continues its invasion of Ukraine, Western governments and certain hacktivists remain steadfast in opposition. On social media, international hacktivist

Growing Tension Between Russia and Ukraine: Should you be concerned?

Growing Tension Between Russia and Ukraine: Should you be concerned?

A look at the complex geopolitical scenario and the potential cyber threats to organizations caused by the growing tension between Russia and Ukraine.

Ukraine is hit by huge cyber attack targeting the ministry of defence and several banks in suspected Russian ‘hybrid war’ hours after Putin announced ‘withdrawal’

Ukraine is hit by huge cyber attack targeting the ministry of defence and several banks in suspected Russian ‘hybrid war’ hours after Putin announced ‘withdrawal’

Russia has started a 'hybrid war', it was feared tonight, as Ukrainian banks and the ministry of defence were hit by a cyber attack. It was after President Putin (pictured) claimed not to ...

Cyberwarfare and countries involved: Ukraine among 3 most affected by Russian cyber activity

Cyberwarfare and countries involved: Ukraine among 3 most affected by Russian cyber activity

Hundreds of Ukrainian government websites were hit by malicious data-wiping software a day after the Russian invasion. Suspicion fell on the Kremlin as it has repeatedly been accused of ...