
Companies and Cybersecurity Services

Cyber criminals are getting smarter and strive to find new ways to sneak into a company’s information systems. Cyber security companies are turning to innovative solutions to combat those threats, in order to minimize cybercrimes.

Encryption, Organization, Cryptography, Quantum computing, Computer, Post-quantum cryptography

@CISA Cyber shared
On Nov 10, 2023
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How 2024 will shape up in cybersecurity

As we look to a new year, it becomes imperative for communications service providers (CSPs) to anticipate their own needs.

@CISA Cyber shared
On Nov 10, 2023
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How 2024 will shape up in cybersecurity

How 2024 will shape up in cybersecurity

As we look to a new year, it becomes imperative for communications service providers (CSPs) to anticipate their own needs.

How Quantum Computing Will Impact Cybersecurity

How Quantum Computing Will Impact Cybersecurity

Quantum computers would make current data encryption methods obsolete and require new cryptography to protect against these powerful machines

Top 7 Cyber Threats to Expect in 2024 and Beyond

Top 7 Cyber Threats to Expect in 2024 and Beyond

In this article, Jaye Tillson of Axis Security explores his top seven cyber threats for 2024 and beyond.

The Race Against Quantum: It’s Not Too Late to be the Tortoise that Beat the Hare

The Race Against Quantum: It’s Not Too Late to be the Tortoise that Beat the Hare

The race to defend against cyber threats brought on by quantum computing is on, and Jon France, CISO of (ISC)2, says the cyber industry must catch up

Europe’s missing plan on quantum cybersecurity threats

Europe’s missing plan on quantum cybersecurity threats

Europe must prepare for a future in which powerful quantum computers are commercially available, allowing hackers to decode previously-encrypted material, experts and industry practitioners ...

The Quantum Effect On Cybersecurity

The Quantum Effect On Cybersecurity

The eventual arrival of commercial quantum computers powerful enough to break public-key encryption will be a significant threat to national security, financial, health and private data.   

Quantum threats loom in Gartner’s 2023 Hype Cycle for data security

Quantum threats loom in Gartner’s 2023 Hype Cycle for data security

Data governance, risk management and compliance are core drivers of the data security market — so is preparing for quantum computing threats.

Security Think Tank: A user’s guide to encryption

Security Think Tank: A user’s guide to encryption

The Security Think Tank assesses the state of encryption technology, exploring topics such as cryptographic techniques, data-masking, the legal ramifications of end-to-end encryption, and ...

Preparing for post-quantum in 10 steps

Preparing for post-quantum in 10 steps

With post-quantum having the potential of triggering a new wave of cyber threats, here are 10 steps that organisations should take to prepare

NIST releases draft algorithms for quantum-resistant cryptography

NIST releases draft algorithms for quantum-resistant cryptography

As it works to safeguard existing cybersecurity protocols from easy decryption by a future quantum computer, the agency is requesting feedback on standards for three algorithms designed to ...

SKT pushes for quantum-safe comms standards

SKT pushes for quantum-safe comms standards

SK Telecom (SKT) has been exploring the potential of technology that will enable secure communications in the quantum computing eraAs with any technology, achi…

Security in the quantum computing era

Security in the quantum computing era

Quantum-safe cryptography is crucial to maintaining data security for critical applications and infrastructure—but action is needed now.

HSBC joins BT’s quantum secure network

HSBC joins BT’s quantum secure network

HSBC has become the first bank to join the new network, with a link between its headquarters and a data centre 62km away.

Ashwini Vaishnaw invites ethical hackers to break India’s first quantum communication network

Ashwini Vaishnaw invites ethical hackers to break India’s first quantum communication network

While announcing that India's first quantum computing-based communication network is operational between two government departments in Delhi, Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw has launched a ...

Security in the impending age of quantum computers

Security in the impending age of quantum computers

To ensure data security in the age of quantum computers, organizations and governments must invest in quantum technology for robust security.

Post-Quantum Cryptography: Finally Real in Consumer Apps?

Post-Quantum Cryptography: Finally Real in Consumer Apps?

How Safe Are Your Encrypted Messages? Explore the emerging world of post-quantum cryptography and what it means for your digital privacy.

Toronto startup to test its quantum-resistant key distribution solution

Toronto startup to test its quantum-resistant key distribution solution

The federal government is giving a Toronto startup an opportunity to prove that its fledgling technology could help protect today's encrypted Canadian communications from being hacked by ...

How AI and Quantum Computing are Challenging the Security of Our Digital Future

How AI and Quantum Computing are Challenging the Security of Our Digital Future

Our current digital infrastructure could face severe disruption in the advent of a rushed transition to post-quantum computing for our critical functions.

Post-Quantum Security: Have You Started Your Journey?

Post-Quantum Security: Have You Started Your Journey?

Has your organization begun post-quantum security planning? We've outlined a few steps to consider as you start.