#security #infosec #Cybersecurity
Credit card, PCI DSS, Payment systems, Debit card, Credit cards, Credit card fraud

Credit card fraud: What you need to know now

On Jul 30, 2020
@cybersecboardrm shared
What you need to know now #Cybersecurity #infosec #security https://t.co/p68nG7yVxI

Credit and payment card thieves are getting more sophisticated as chipped cards drive them to account takeover and card-not-present schemes.

On Jul 30, 2020
@cybersecboardrm shared
What you need to know now #Cybersecurity #infosec #security https://t.co/p68nG7yVxI

Credit card fraud: What you need to know now

Credit card fraud: What you need to know now

Credit and payment card thieves are getting more sophisticated as chipped cards drive them to account takeover and card-not-present schemes.

Hanna Andersson Data Breach: Hackers Compromise Website of Children's Clothier

Hanna Andersson Data Breach: Hackers Compromise Website of Children's Clothier

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Websites of eight US cities poisoned by malware skimming the credit card details of residents

Websites of eight US cities poisoned by malware skimming the credit card details of residents

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Cyber Security and Fraud Prevention: Two Sides of the Same Coin

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Post-EMV: How to stay protected from credit card fraud

Post-EMV: How to stay protected from credit card fraud

Many of the crooks have moved their payment card fraud online following the shift to chip cards.

What is Magecart? Credit card-stealing malware proves hard to stop

What is Magecart? Credit card-stealing malware proves hard to stop

In 2018, multiple large-scale online retailers like Ticketmaster and British Airways revealed that their sites were breached by Magecart hackers.

Russian Investigators Bust Credit Card Fraud Ring

Russian Investigators Bust Credit Card Fraud Ring

At least 25 people allegedly including a kingpin were arrested for card fraud by Russian federal investigators.

Could The Future Of Fighting Fraud On The ‘Dark Web’ Actually Be Bright?

Could The Future Of Fighting Fraud On The ‘Dark Web’ Actually Be Bright?

Keeping yourself protected from criminals can often seem a daunting task. Even the most eagled-eyed person — for instance, a veteran tourist in a crowded plaza thick with professional ...

South Korea New Target for Payment Fraud

South Korea New Target for Payment Fraud

Threat actors are increasingly targeting the APAC region for payment card fraud, according to a report from Gemini Advisory. For example, a group of hackers