What the Blog? is an Essentials video series discussing what’s next for the cybersecurity industry and the newest cyber threats. Editors Isabella Moulton and Martin Jacobsz bring you a snappy summary of articles directly from our expertly curated Cybersecurity Essentials Newsletters.

In our first article exploring the newest cybersecurity trends, we uncover how Twitter profiles from figures like former President Obama, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk were recently hijacked, and began tweeting that they wanted to “give back” to the community. Now they weren’t talking about donating to charity, but instead promised that if you sent them Bitcoin, they would return twice as much. Hackers have pretended to be someone famous before and even used fake accounts, but this time it was different, because the accounts really did belong to these people. Funnily enough, if it had just been Elon Musk tweeting out something weird, people might have not thought twice about it, but the idea that Jeff Bezos was going to give back? Now that made people think something was going on. Read the article here.

Our second article covering the latest cybersecurity news highlights how hackers have been exploiting vulnerable people during COVID. From impersonating the CDC, employers and even payment providers in order to steal people's personal details and money, they’ve become more crafty than ever before. This time, through spoofing CIO’s (chief information officers) pandemic guidelines, they’re tricking workers into handing over private information. The big question is why are we still falling for spam emails? Well, because first and foremost these emails don’t generally look fake, and they appear to have actually been sent from within the company--typical of email spoofing. Most of us would open an email like that without thinking twice. Want more on the latest cybersecurity innovations? Check out our blog here.