Top news of the week: 11.08.2020.

Health care, Grammar school, Lockdown, Nursing homes, Debut albums, Life expectancy


On Aug 10, 2020
@ECDC_Outbreaks shared
RT @ECDC_EU: #JustPublished Objectives for #COVID19 testing in schools - ensure early identification, contact tracing and prevention & control measures - identify infection in students and staff at high risk of severe disease - study the role of kids in transmission

Objectives for COVID-19 testing in school settings

Objectives for COVID-19 testing in school settings

The aim of this document is to provide an overview of major aspects of testing, contact tracing, contact identification and contact follow-up in school settings within the EU/EEA countries ...

On Aug 5, 2020
@bbchealth shared
Coronavirus: Ethnic minorities 'over-exposed' to Covid-19

Coronavirus: Ethnic minorities 'over-exposed' to Covid-19

Coronavirus: Ethnic minorities 'over-exposed' to Covid-19

They "face greater barriers" when trying to protect themselves from coronavirus, a report says.

On Aug 7, 2020
@bbchealth shared
Chemotherapy in cancer patients with Covid-19 'not a risk'

Chemotherapy in cancer patients with Covid-19 'not a risk'

Chemotherapy in cancer patients with Covid-19 'not a risk'

Female breast cancer patients were much more likely to survive than other patients, a study says.

On Aug 7, 2020
@TheEconomist shared
America carries out roughly 800,000 covid-19 tests a day. A study by Harvard University reckons that the country would need to do 5m a day to reopen safely
On Aug 8, 2020
@nytimes shared
RT @meslackman: You’ve seen how nursing homes became death traps for so many. In Belgium, ⁦@MatinaStevis⁩, ⁦@mattapuzzo⁩ ⁦@MonikaPronczuk⁩ report, Paramedics and hospitals sometimes flatly denied care to elderly people, even as hospital beds sat unused.

When Covid-19 Hit, Many Elderly Were Left to Die

When Covid-19 Hit, Many Elderly Were Left to Die

Warnings had piled up for years that nursing homes were vulnerable. The pandemic sent them to the back of the line for equipment and care.

On Aug 6, 2020
@bmj_latest shared
RT @amibanerjee1: My @bmj_latest blog: The double burden of the #COVID19 pandemic "..the same early, preventive public health measures which have kept covid-19 deaths low in some parts of the world.... have also kept indirect deaths to a minimum."

Amitava Banerjee: The double burden of the covid-19 pandemic

Amitava Banerjee: The double burden of the covid-19 pandemic

Coronavirus is affecting individuals, populations and health systems far beyond infection Since the emergence of the covid-19 pandemic in Wuhan, it has been noted that, like seasonal flu, ...

On Aug 7, 2020
@KHNews shared
#NewOnKHN: People have flooded U.S. testing sites with requests to participate in the pivotal, late-stage clinical trials of the first two COVID-19 vaccine candidates. 📝: @philgalewitz

Test Sites Quickly Attract Thousands for COVID-19 Vaccine Study

Test Sites Quickly Attract Thousands for COVID-19 Vaccine Study

People have flooded U.S. testing sites with requests to participate in the pivotal, late-stage clinical trials of the first two COVID-19 vaccine candidates.

On Aug 9, 2020
@guardianscience shared
Reporting on Covid-19 in Spain: 'peaks, troughs and sacrifices

Reporting on Covid-19 in Spain: 'The limits of our new normality are being tested'

Reporting on Covid-19 in Spain: 'The limits of our new normality are being tested'

The Guardian’s Madrid correspondent on Spain’s response and how life as a reporter has changed