Artificial intelligence, Computer vision, Intelligence, Machine learning, Learning, Artificial neural network

‘OpenAI should be renamed ClosedAI’: Reaction to Microsoft’s exclusive license of OpenAI’s GPT-3

On Sep 26, 2020
@etzioni shared
RT @Taylor_Soper: ‘OpenAI should be renamed ClosedAI’: Reaction from @etzioni @allen_ai, @greggottesman @psl, and @pmddomingos @uwcse to Microsoft’s exclusive license for OpenAI’s GPT-3

Microsoft this week gained an exclusive license to OpenAI's GPT-3, the state-of-the-art language model garnering attention across the tech industry. Other companies will still be able to access the…
On Sep 26, 2020
@etzioni shared
RT @Taylor_Soper: ‘OpenAI should be renamed ClosedAI’: Reaction from @etzioni @allen_ai, @greggottesman @psl, and @pmddomingos @uwcse to Microsoft’s exclusive license for OpenAI’s GPT-3

‘OpenAI should be renamed ClosedAI’: Reaction to Microsoft’s exclusive license of OpenAI’s GPT-3

‘OpenAI should be renamed ClosedAI’: Reaction to Microsoft’s exclusive license of OpenAI’s GPT-3

Microsoft this week gained an exclusive license to OpenAI's GPT-3, the state-of-the-art language model garnering attention across the tech industry. Other companies will still be able to ...



The company, considered a competitor to DeepMind, conducts research in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) with the stated goal of promoting and developing friendly AI in a way that ...

Why the nonprofit OpenAI made GPT-3 a commercial product

Why the nonprofit OpenAI made GPT-3 a commercial product

A program that can automate website development. A bot that writes letters on behalf of nature. An AI-written blog that trended on Hacker News. Those are just some of the recent stories ...

The untold story of GPT-3 is the transformation of OpenAI

The untold story of GPT-3 is the transformation of OpenAI

In the process of creating the largest language AI system, OpenAI has gradually morphed from a nonprofit AI lab to a company that sells AI services.

Fake news model in staged release but two researchers fire up replication

Fake news model in staged release but two researchers fire up replication

Not the most comforting news in the world of tech: The artificial intelligence lab (OpenAI) cofounded by Elon Musk said its software could too easily be adapted to crank out fake news. "Two ...

Microsoft partners with OpenAI to build Azure supercomputer

Microsoft partners with OpenAI to build Azure supercomputer

Microsoft has partnered with OpenAI to build an Azure-hosted supercomputer for testing large-scale models.

OpenAI Wants to Make Ultrapowerful AI. But Not in a Bad Way

OpenAI Wants to Make Ultrapowerful AI. But Not in a Bad Way

OpenAI, a research institute cofounded by Elon Musk, aims to create artificial intelligence that's better than people at everything.

The messy, secretive reality behind OpenAI’s bid to save the world

The messy, secretive reality behind OpenAI’s bid to save the world

Every year, OpenAI’s employees vote on when they believe artificial general intelligence, or AGI, will finally arrive. It’s mostly seen as a fun way to bond, and their estimates differ ...

AI Weekly: What to expect at NeurIPS 2018, the biggest AI conference of the year

AI Weekly: What to expect at NeurIPS 2018, the biggest AI conference of the year

One of the oldest (and largest) AI and machine learning conferences of the year -- NeurIPS, formerly NIPS -- is nearly upon us. Here's what to expect.

50 AI Twitter Influencers to Follow in 2018

50 AI Twitter Influencers to Follow in 2018

The field of artificial intelligence continues to grow and evolve daily.  To keep up-to-date…

The New Yorker

The New Yorker

How predictive-text technology could transform the future of the written word.

Microsoft has invested $1 billion in research lab OpenAI – here’s why

Microsoft has invested $1 billion in research lab OpenAI – here’s why

Microsoft has invested $1 billion investment in the research company OpenAI, we dig into what’s in it for the Redmond-based technology giant

OpenAI Bots Defeat The International Champions OG in Dota 2 Match

OpenAI Bots Defeat The International Champions OG in Dota 2 Match

OpenAI’s artificially-intelligent Dota 2 bots beat reigning The International 2018 Dota 2 champions OG in a match this weekend. The company’s bots learned Dota 2 by playing against ...

How OpenAI, Founded to Keep Powerful A.I. Out of Corporate Hands, Got Into Bed With Microsoft

How OpenAI, Founded to Keep Powerful A.I. Out of Corporate Hands, Got Into Bed With Microsoft

Elon Musk and other OpenAI founders wanted to develop advanced artificial intelligence for the good of humanity. The problem is that it's expensive.

The March of Artificial Intelligence to Address Climate Change and Ultimately Help Save the Planet

The March of Artificial Intelligence to Address Climate Change and Ultimately Help Save the Planet

People around the world marched for climate change on September 20, 2019, with protests taking place across 4,500 locations in 150 countries, all inspired by Swedish climate activist Greta ...

Elon Musk calls for regulations on artificial intelligence

Elon Musk calls for regulations on artificial intelligence

Elon Musk is calling for regulation on organizations developing advanced artificial intelligence, including his companies. The Tesla and SpaceX head tweeting earlier this week, “All orgs…