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#FridayFeature #justice #psychiatry #forensic #neuroprediction
Criminal justice, Neuroimaging, Slavery, Black people, Human, Crime

@JohnNosta shared
On Sep 11, 2022
RT @AIandFaith: For this week's #FridayFeature, one of our advisors, Haley Griese, takes an in-depth look at an emerging computational #forensic #psychiatry known as #neuroprediction - and its potential uses and harms in the #justice system:

Knowing Machines, Knowable Humans: Assessing Ethics of Emergent Neuroimaging Technologies at the Intersection of Technoscientific Development & Carceral Projects

The Mechanized God’s Eye — Creating a Clergy? Imagine descrying machines could make legible the otherwise veiled intimacies of another’s thoughts and propensities — even if this capability existed, would it be moral to condemn or exonerate someone based on a brain scan’s revelations? ...

@JohnNosta shared
On Sep 11, 2022
RT @AIandFaith: For this week's #FridayFeature, one of our advisors, Haley Griese, takes an in-depth look at an emerging computational #forensic #psychiatry known as #neuroprediction - and its potential uses and harms in the #justice system:
Knowing Machines, Knowable Humans: Assessing Ethics of Emergent Neuroimaging Technologies at the Intersection of Technoscientific Development & Carceral Projects

Knowing Machines, Knowable Humans: Assessing Ethics of Emergent Neuroimaging Technologies at the Intersection of Technoscientific Development & Carceral Projects

The Mechanized God’s Eye — Creating a Clergy? Imagine descrying machines could make legible the otherwise veiled intimacies of another’s thoughts and propensities — even if this capability ...

Abolish the #TechToPrisonPipeline

Abolish the #TechToPrisonPipeline

Crime-prediction technology reproduces injustices & causes real harm

AS IDEIAS VOLTARAM AO LUGAR? temporalidades não lineares no neoliberalismo autoritário brasileiro e sua infraestrutura digital

AS IDEIAS VOLTARAM AO LUGAR? temporalidades não lineares no neoliberalismo autoritário brasileiro e sua infraestrutura digital

O artigo aborda como a inflexão populista-autoritária do neoliberalismo global tem ganhado...