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Tertiary structure, Acid, Primary structure, Peptide sequence, Protein structure, Amino acid

@JasonSilva shared
On Sep 11, 2022
RT @PeterDiamandis: How DeepMind’s AI is Revolutionizing Science

How DeepMind’s AI is Revolutionizing Science

AI is moving at stunning speed. Here’s an amazing example that impacts health and longevity...

@JasonSilva shared
On Sep 11, 2022
RT @PeterDiamandis: How DeepMind’s AI is Revolutionizing Science
How DeepMind’s AI is Revolutionizing Science

How DeepMind’s AI is Revolutionizing Science

AI is moving at stunning speed. Here’s an amazing example that impacts health and longevity...

Reflecting on DeepMind’s AlphaFold artificial intelligence success – what’s the real significance for protein folding research and drug discovery?

Reflecting on DeepMind’s AlphaFold artificial intelligence success – what’s the real significance for protein folding research and drug discovery?

In a long read, Professor Paul Workman, Chief Executive and President of the ICR, and also a drug discovery scientist, reflects on the significance of the latest version of AlphaFold – a ...

AlphaFold: Using AI for scientific discovery

AlphaFold: Using AI for scientific discovery

Our system, AlphaFold, which we have been working on for the past two years, builds on years of prior research in using vast genomic data to predict protein structure. The 3D models of ...

DeepMind’s protein-folding AI has solved a 50-year-old grand challenge of biology

DeepMind’s protein-folding AI has solved a 50-year-old grand challenge of biology

DeepMind has already notched up a streak of wins, showcasing AIs that have learned to play a variety of complex games with superhuman skill, from Go and StarCraft to Atari’s entire back ...

The Algorithm That (Recently) Changed the World

The Algorithm That (Recently) Changed the World

“This will change medicine. It will change research. It will change bioengineering. It will change everything.”

AlphaFold Is The Most Important Achievement In AI—Ever

AlphaFold Is The Most Important Achievement In AI—Ever

Machine learning will transform the life sciences in the years ahead.

DeepMind’s AI has finally shown how useful it can be

DeepMind’s AI has finally shown how useful it can be

AlphaFold has provided the clearest picture yet of the human proteome. Now DeepMind is making its work available to the world

DeepMind’s improved protein-folding prediction AI could accelerate drug discovery

DeepMind’s improved protein-folding prediction AI could accelerate drug discovery

DeepMind claims that its AI system, AlphaFold, is among the most accurate with respect to protein folding predictions.

DeepMind’s AlphaFold Is Close to Solving One of Biology’s Greatest Challenges

DeepMind’s AlphaFold Is Close to Solving One of Biology’s Greatest Challenges

If we know a protein’s structure, we can make educated guesses about its function. And by mapping thousands of protein structures, we can begin to decipher the biology of life.

How DeepMind’s Protein-folding AI is solving the Oldest Challenge of Biology

How DeepMind’s Protein-folding AI is solving the Oldest Challenge of Biology

DeepMind's AI system AlphaFold has been detected by the organisers of the biennial Critical Assessment of Protein Structure Prediction to understand the protein folding problem and develop ...

Coronavirus: Can AI solve future pandemics?

Coronavirus: Can AI solve future pandemics?

Artificial intelligence, AI, has solved one of the ‘grand challenges’ of biology. Roger Highfield, Science Director, talks to John Jumper, head of the DeepMind’s landmark ‘AlphaFold’ ...

Breakthrough A.I. Makes Huge Leap Toward Solving 50-Year-Old Problem in Biology

Breakthrough A.I. Makes Huge Leap Toward Solving 50-Year-Old Problem in Biology

Proteins are vital biological molecules, and it can require years of lab-based experiments to tease out the 3-D shape of just one

AI Solves 50-Year-Old Challenge in Biology

AI Solves 50-Year-Old Challenge in Biology

Thanks to AI, we just got *stunningly* powerful tools to decode life itself.

Alphabet firm DeepMind releases massive database of 3D protein structures

Alphabet firm DeepMind releases massive database of 3D protein structures

DeepMind has used its highly accurate deep learning model AlphaFold2 to predict the 3D structure of 350,000 proteins.

#250: Visa Partners With An Ethereum-Based Stablecoin, & More

#250: Visa Partners With An Ethereum-Based Stablecoin, & More

Visa Partners With An Ethereum-Based Stablecoin Visa has announced that it will integrate its credit cards with the payment capabilities of Ethereum-based U.S. Dollar Coin (USDC). Stripe Is ...

DeepMind AI cracks 50-year-old problem of protein folding

DeepMind AI cracks 50-year-old problem of protein folding

Program solves scientific problem in ‘stunning advance’ for understanding machinery of life

DeepMind’s AlphaFold & the Protein Folding Problem

DeepMind’s AlphaFold & the Protein Folding Problem

Recently, DeepMind's AlphaFold made impressive headway in the protein structure prediction problem. Read this for an overview and explanation.

Artificial Intelligence Accurately Predicts Protein Folding

Artificial Intelligence Accurately Predicts Protein Folding

Proteins are the workhorses of the cell. Mapping the precise shapes of the most important of these workhorses helps to unlock their life-supporting functions or, in the case of disease, ...

Google’s DeepMind AI Predicts 3D Structure of Nearly Every Protein Known to Science

Google’s DeepMind AI Predicts 3D Structure of Nearly Every Protein Known to Science

This ribbon diagram shows the 3D protein structure of an antibody. Complex? It’s pretty simple for an AI. By Monisha Ravisetti At last, the decades-old protein folding problem may finally ...