Artificial Intelligence

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Human, Laws of war, Artificial intelligence, Autonomous robot, Robotics, Robot

@MFordFuture shared
On Mar 12, 2022
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of War

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of War

With artificial intelligence, decisions are made far too quickly for humans to correct them.

@MFordFuture shared
On Mar 12, 2022
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of War
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of War

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of War

With artificial intelligence, decisions are made far too quickly for humans to correct them.

Ethical as well as technological challenges to robotics and AI

Ethical as well as technological challenges to robotics and AI

What ‘rights’ have artificial intelligence objects, and can you embed a conscience?

Advancing Ethical Robots: Can you depend on bots following the rules?

Advancing Ethical Robots: Can you depend on bots following the rules?

How do we prevent unethical, biased robotic creations?

An area in which we can take moral leadership

An area in which we can take moral leadership

Newsroom is an independent, New Zealand-based news and current affairs site.

Australian Defence Force invests $9million in researching 'killer robots' to ensure artificially intelligent weapons are ethical and don't open fire on children

Australian Defence Force invests $9million in researching 'killer robots' to ensure artificially intelligent weapons are ethical and don't open fire on children

A huge new project funded by Australia's Defence Department will investigate how artificially intelligent weapons can be used ethically. Pictured: A drone being tested in the United States.

Should Artificial Intelligence Be Regulated?

Should Artificial Intelligence Be Regulated?

Suggestions to limit some very specific applications of AI merit close examination and action.

Agricultural robots and AI: A question of when and not if

Agricultural robots and AI: A question of when and not if

Robotics and artificial intelligence will drive a deep and transformative change in the agricultural world during the coming decades, according to a new report by IDTechEx. Seeing, ...

Inside the United Nations’ effort to regulate autonomous killer robots

Inside the United Nations’ effort to regulate autonomous killer robots

Meet the UN diplomat heading up the coming "killer robot" conference.

We must fight the invasion of the killer robots

We must fight the invasion of the killer robots

“Killer robots” are taking over. Also known as autonomous weapons, these devices, once activated, can destroy targets without human intervention. The technology has been with us for years. ...

No killer robot ban a “danger to humanity” warns Noel Sharkey

No killer robot ban a “danger to humanity” warns Noel Sharkey

There is a “real danger to humanity” if there is no ban on so-called killer robots, says professor of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics Noel Sharkey.

A.I WARNING: The terrifying future of 'lethal' advanced A.I warfare exposed by expert

A.I WARNING: The terrifying future of 'lethal' advanced A.I warfare exposed by expert

AS artificial intelligence technology continues to develop, like any new tech, questions begin to arise on its capabilities in warfare.

It's Time to Take Seriously the Machine Ethics of Autonomous and AI Cyber Systems

It's Time to Take Seriously the Machine Ethics of Autonomous and AI Cyber Systems

Many concepts revolve around the law of armed conflict, societal law, ethical dilemmas, psychological concepts and artificially intelligent cyber systems.