Vocoder, Singing, Vocal weight, Haskins Laboratories, Speech synthesis, Human voice

The AI Pop Star Learning to Sing Like a Human

On Jun 22, 2020
@DiscoverMag shared
Computer-generated singing needs plenty of tweaking to make it sound acceptable. Now, Microsoft’s computer scientists are teaching an AI to sing like a person. https://t.co/0iV3gAIk1v

Computer-generated singing needs plenty of tweaking to make it sound acceptable. Now, Microsoft’s computer scientists are teaching an AI to sing like a person.

On Jun 22, 2020
@DiscoverMag shared
Computer-generated singing needs plenty of tweaking to make it sound acceptable. Now, Microsoft’s computer scientists are teaching an AI to sing like a person. https://t.co/0iV3gAIk1v

The AI Pop Star Learning to Sing Like a Human

The AI Pop Star Learning to Sing Like a Human

Computer-generated singing needs plenty of tweaking to make it sound acceptable. Now, Microsoft’s computer scientists are teaching an AI to sing like a person.

Bad Speech Synthesis Made Simple

Bad Speech Synthesis Made Simple

Speech synthesis is a core component of many modern products - turn by turn navigation, automatic personal assistants/search like Siri and Alexa, and even the voices of AI/robots/people in ...

A 2019 Guide to Speech Synthesis with Deep Learning

A 2019 Guide to Speech Synthesis with Deep Learning

Here’s the research we’ll cover in order to examine popular and current approaches to speech synthesis: WaveNet: A Generative Model for Raw Audio Tacotron: Towards End-toEnd Speech ...

Amazon’s AI creates synthesized singers

Amazon’s AI creates synthesized singers

Researchers hailing from Amazon and Cambridge propose a system that synthesizes singing from a data set of vocal performances.

Audio Sample from "FastSpeech: Fast, Robust and Controllable Text to Speech"

Audio Sample from "FastSpeech: Fast, Robust and Controllable Text to Speech"

ArXiv: arXiv:1905.09263 Reddit Discussions: Click me Authors Yi Ren* (Zhejiang University) [email protected] Yangjun Ruan* (Zhejiang University) [email protected] Xu Tan (Microsoft ...

I’d been too scared to sing since childhood – could I find my voice?

I’d been too scared to sing since childhood – could I find my voice?

Nearly forty years after being told she was making a racket, Paula Cocozza decided it was time to confront the sound of silence

From singing to musical scores: Estimating pitch with SPICE and Tensorflow Hub

From singing to musical scores: Estimating pitch with SPICE and Tensorflow Hub

The TensorFlow blog contains regular news from the TensorFlow team and the community, with articles on Python, TensorFlow.js, TF Lite, TFX, and more.

Creating DALI, a Large Dataset of Synchronized Audio, Lyrics, and Notes

Creating DALI, a Large Dataset of Synchronized Audio, Lyrics, and Notes

Article: Creating DALI, a Large Dataset of Synchronized Audio, Lyrics, and Notes

FastSpeech: New text-to-speech model improves on speed, accuracy, and controllability

FastSpeech: New text-to-speech model improves on speed, accuracy, and controllability

Text to speech (TTS) has attracted a lot of attention recently due to advancements in deep learning. Neural network-based TTS models (such as Tacotron 2, DeepVoice 3 and Transformer TTS) ...

Virtual voices: Azure's neural text-to-speech service

Virtual voices: Azure's neural text-to-speech service

Microsoft is using neural networks to deliver more convincing artificial voices.

Transition of Siri’s Voice From Robotic to Human: Note the Difference

Transition of Siri’s Voice From Robotic to Human: Note the Difference

Learn how speech synthesis is an integral part of Siri's functioning, how the text-to-speech system works, and how Apple used AI to improve Siri's voice.