On Jan 29, 2019
@dvorsky shared
RT @Gizmodo: Neuroscientists translate brain waves into recognizable speech https://t.co/1AmEN5mopl https://t.co/lv16ejkfTT

Neuroscientists Translate Brain Waves Into Recognizable Speech

Using brain-scanning technology, artificial intelligence, and speech synthesizers, scientists have converted brain patterns into intelligible verbal speech—an advance that could eventually ...

On Jan 29, 2019
@dvorsky shared
RT @Gizmodo: Neuroscientists translate brain waves into recognizable speech https://t.co/1AmEN5mopl https://t.co/lv16ejkfTT

Neuroscientists Translate Brain Waves Into Recognizable Speech

Using brain-scanning technology, artificial intelligence, and speech synthesizers, scientists have converted brain patterns into intelligible verbal speech—an advance that could eventually ...

Neuroscientists Translate Brain Waves Into Recognisable Speech | Gizmodo UK

Neuroscientists Translate Brain Waves Into Recognisable Speech By George Dvorsky on at Using brain-scanning technology, artificial intelligence, and speech synthesizers, scientists have ...

A Brain-Computer Interface Can Translate Simple Thoughts Into Speech

Could this be the beginning of brain-connected smartphones?

Researchers Translate Brain Signals Directly Into Speech – Neuroscience News

Summary: Researchers have developed a new system which utilizes artificial intelligence technology to turn brain signals to recognizable speech. But because this approach has failed to ...

With Brain Implants, Scientists Aim to Translate Thoughts into Speech

Experts increasingly think a system that could help paralyzed patients is within reach

With brain implants, scientists hope to translate paralyzed patients’ thoughts into speech

An audacious experiment to turn thoughts into speech might one day enable people with a spinal cord injury, locked-in syndrome or ALS to talk again.

Neuroscientists Have Converted Brain Waves Into Verbal Speech | Smart News | Smithsonian

SmartNews Keeping you current Neuroscientists Have Converted Brain Waves Into Verbal Speech Researchers tracked participants’ neural activity as they listened to recorded speech, then ...

Speech Synthesis from ECoG using Densely Connected 3D Convolutional Neural Networks

http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/478644doi: bioRxiv preprint first posted online Nov. 27, 2018; Speech Synthesis from ECoG using Densely Connected 3D Convolutional Neural Networks10 Wavenet is an ...

Thinking aloud: translating thoughts directly into speech – Physics World

To address this limitation, a research team headed up at Columbia University has combined recent advances in deep learning and speech synthesis technologies to create a system that can ...

Neuroscience Breakthrough: AI Translates Thought-to-Speech | Psychology Today

Neuroscience Breakthrough: AI Translates Thought-to-Speech Neuroscience Breakthrough: AI Translates Thought-to-Speech Columbia University’s Brain-Computer Interface is state of the art. Up ...

Click here to read the article

Direct Speech Reconstruction from Articulatory Sensor Data by Machine Learning Jose A. Gonzalez, Lam A. Cheah, Angel M. Gomez, Phil D. Green, James M. Gilbert, Stephen R. Ell, Roger K. ...