Neural network, Perceptron, Pattern recognition, Statistical classification, Unsupervised learning, Machine learning

The 2010s: Our Decade of Deep Learning / Outlook on the 2020s

On Feb 20, 2020
@hardmaru shared
RT @SchmidhuberAI: The 2010s: Our Decade of Deep Learning / Outlook on the 2020s (also addressing privacy and data markets)

5: Other Hot Topics of the 2010s: Deep Reinforcement Learning, Meta-Learning, World Models, Distilling NNs, Neural Architecture Search, Attention Learning, Fast Weights, Self-Invented Problems ... Sec. The world is sequential by nature, and LSTM has revolutionized sequential data ...
On Feb 20, 2020
@hardmaru shared
RT @SchmidhuberAI: The 2010s: Our Decade of Deep Learning / Outlook on the 2020s (also addressing privacy and data markets)

The 2010s: Our Decade of Deep Learning / Outlook on the 2020s

5: Other Hot Topics of the 2010s: Deep Reinforcement Learning, Meta-Learning, World Models, Distilling NNs, Neural Architecture Search, Attention Learning, Fast Weights, Self-Invented ...

Deep Learning: Our Miraculous Year 1990-1991

First Very Deep NNs, Based on Unsupervised Pre-Training (1991) My first idea to overcome the Deep Learning Problem mentioned above was to facilitate supervised learning in deep RNNs by ...

Deep learning explained

Deep neural networks can solve the most challenging problems, but require abundant computing power and massive amounts of data

From classic AI techniques to Deep Reinforcement Learning

Building machines that can learn from examples, experience, or even from another machines at human level are the main goal of solving AI…

Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning For the Extremely Confused

The watershed moment in Deep Learning is typically cited as 2012’s AlexNet, by Alex Krizhevsky and Geoffrey Hinton, a state of the art GPU accelerated Deep Learning network that won that ...

Awesome Deep Learning Resources

Contribute to souravstat/Curated-Resources development by creating an account on GitHub.

Deep Learning in a Nutshell: History and Training

Part 2 of an intuitive and gentle introduction to deep learning. Covers the most important deep learning concepts, giving an understanding rather than mathematical and theoretical details.

Seven Myths in Machine Learning Research

Myth 1: TensorFlow is a Tensor manipulation library Myth 2: Image datasets are representative of real images found in the wild Myth 3: Machine Learning researchers do not use the test set ...

What is deep learning? Everything you need to know

In this example, the network has been trained to recognize handwritten figures, such as the number 2 shown here, with the input layer being fed values representing the pixels that make up ...

Intelligent System To Analyze Feedback Sentiments

This paper enlightens the way companies can design Intelligent System to understand their customers’ sentiments better to improve their experience, which will…

5 Types of LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks and What to Do With Them

You want to create the best LSTM for your project that is optimized and bug-free. Here’s 5 types of LSTM Neural Networks and what to do with them.