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Electrical engineering, Computer programming, Algorithm, Computer science, Computing, Computer

@kdnuggets shared
On May 3, 2022
10 Best Computer Science Courses to Take in 2022

10 Best Computer Science Courses to Take in 2022

Are you looking for the best introductions to computer science? I’ve ranked the top courses available online, following a robust methodology. And they're all free to audit. You can read about it below. But if you’re in a hurry, here are my top picks. Click on one to skip to

@kdnuggets shared
On May 3, 2022
10 Best Computer Science Courses to Take in 2022
10 Best Computer Science Courses to Take in 2022

10 Best Computer Science Courses to Take in 2022

Are you looking for the best introductions to computer science? I’ve ranked the top courses available online, following a robust methodology. And they're all free to audit. You can read ...

Free From MIT: Intro to Computer Science and Programming in Python

Free From MIT: Intro to Computer Science and Programming in Python

This free introductory computer science and programming course is available via MIT's Open Courseware platform. It's a great resource for mastering the fundamentals of one of data science's ...

Most popular MITx MOOC reaches 1.2 million enrollments

Most popular MITx MOOC reaches 1.2 million enrollments

Since its first online offering in 2012, Introduction to Computer Science using Python from MITx has become the most popular MOOC in MIT history.

The ups and downs of STEM standards

The ups and downs of STEM standards

Last week, in a widely hailed move, California adopted model K-12 computer science standards. Headlines have described this move as…

Love Letters for Computers

Love Letters for Computers

Hello Ruby - Love Letters to Computers 💌

Posters celebrating diversity in computing

Posters celebrating diversity in computing

Free posters (to download) for your classroom     Download the posters as PDF or .pptx We currently have two versions of the posters, the muted colourway, in sepia, greys and light blues …

The Difference Between Computer Science and Data Science

The Difference Between Computer Science and Data Science

Many students are confused about whether data science is a part of the computer science. Here are the exact differences between the two.

Self-study for free with these top online computer science classes

Self-study for free with these top online computer science classes

To learn more about technology and how it can work for you personally and professionally, affordable and high-quality online computer science classes are just a few clicks away.

How to become a machine learning engineer: A cheat sheet

How to become a machine learning engineer: A cheat sheet

If you are interested in pursuing a career in AI and don't know where to start, here's your go-to guide for the best programming languages and skills to learn, interview questions, ...

In India, toddlers are starting to write computer codes before they can talk

In India, toddlers are starting to write computer codes before they can talk

Coding offers a chance to improve cognitive skills and develop computational thinking.



Grades 9-12 Since 2012 Course offered by The Beauty and Joy of Computing Program Faculty: Tiffany Barnes, North Carolina State University; Dan Garcia, University of California, Berkeley; ...