Artificial Intelligence

AI Ethics

AI Ethics explores the potential concern with the AI revolution. Our reliance on AI will inevitably cause many ethical issues — affecting everyone, from small businesses utilizing AI to entrepreneurs developing the latest tech, and even public citizens.

Organization, Law, Policy, Artificial intelligence, Technology, Government

@MMitchell shared
On Nov 10, 2023
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The importance of AI governance: beyond regulatory compliance

The Euractiv webinar, 'AI Governance and Compliance: A Call to Action,' co-organized by Intellera Consulting Spa and Modulos AG, highlighted the critical need for strong AI governance that goes beyond compliance to regulations and presented Intellera and Modulos’ synergistic approach.

@MMitchell shared
On Nov 10, 2023
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The importance of AI governance: beyond regulatory compliance

The importance of AI governance: beyond regulatory compliance

The Euractiv webinar, 'AI Governance and Compliance: A Call to Action,' co-organized by Intellera Consulting Spa and Modulos AG, highlighted the critical need for strong AI governance that ...

Start Preparing For AI Regulatory Compliance Now

Start Preparing For AI Regulatory Compliance Now

The adoption of AI and the rise of generative AI applications like ChatGPT are sparking concerns about privacy, security and transparency.

Why self-regulation of AI is a smart business move

Why self-regulation of AI is a smart business move

Robust governance is the surest path to AI initiatives that build customer confidence, reduce risk and drive business innovation.

Why we need to care about responsible AI in the age of the algorithm

Why we need to care about responsible AI in the age of the algorithm

The transformative benefits of the artificial intelligence are matched by risks and businesses need responsible AI to stay competitive and avoid liability.

US Expands Artificial Intelligence Guidance with NIST AI Risk Management Framework

US Expands Artificial Intelligence Guidance with NIST AI Risk Management Framework

Key takeaways - The National Institute of Standards and Technology published the Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework on...

10 top resources to build an ethical AI framework

10 top resources to build an ethical AI framework

Learn about some of the best standards, tools, techniques and other resources available to help companies shape an ethical AI framework for generative AI.

The Promise and Peril of Generative AI for Cybersecurity

The Promise and Peril of Generative AI for Cybersecurity

IT professionals discuss the challenges and opportunities that Generative AI poses for security professionals, and how defenders can harness the good.

How boards can get smart about A.I.

How boards can get smart about A.I.

With A.I. poised to transform many industries, corporate directors can’t ignore this rapidly advancing technology.

IBM - Break open the black box - driving responsible, transparent and explainable AI

IBM - Break open the black box - driving responsible, transparent and explainable AI

As AI continues to the draw the attention of legislators worldwide and consumers are demanding responsible, transparent and explainable, AI governance is imperative. It provides the common ...

Insights from the AI Summit Illuminate Banking’s AI Trajectory in America

Insights from the AI Summit Illuminate Banking’s AI Trajectory in America

In a transformative era driven by artificial intelligence, the American Banker's AI Summit emerged as a pivotal event, offering a glimpse into the strategies

The Debate on Crowdsourcing Documentation: Efficiency vs. Accuracy

The Debate on Crowdsourcing Documentation: Efficiency vs. Accuracy

Introduction In today's fast-paced world, where technology advancements are happening at an unprecedented rate, the need for effective documentation has never been more crucial. As…

Gain an Unparalleled Understanding of Your Cyber Risks

Gain an Unparalleled Understanding of Your Cyber Risks

Build cyber resilience with the leading risk-based IT solution to measure, assess and report on cyber maturity based on globally-accepted industry standards.

Deloitte’s Trustworthy AI™ Framework and the White House Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights

Deloitte’s Trustworthy AI™ Framework and the White House Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights

Learn how Deloitte's Trustworthy AI Framework aligns with the latest iteration of the federal regulatory guidelines featured in the AI Bill of Rights.

Generative AI Must Conquer Distrust To Offer a Work Aid

Generative AI Must Conquer Distrust To Offer a Work Aid

There is a dichotomy in perceptions about this AI technology — with some singing its praises and others predicting dangerous disruption of life as we know it.

Discussion paper: Inclusive AI governance

Discussion paper: Inclusive AI governance

Civil society participation in standards development

Why IT governance is a coding issue

Why IT governance is a coding issue

Two new pieces of research point to benefits of policy as code.

Data Scientist Survey: Do Tech Leaders Believe the AI Hype?

Data Scientist Survey: Do Tech Leaders Believe the AI Hype?

Is AI hype here to stay? What problems and risks come with it? Get answers to these questions and more from this survey.

Interview with Olivia Gambelin, CEO of Ethical Intelligence

Interview with Olivia Gambelin, CEO of Ethical Intelligence

Ethical Intelligence is an ethics consultancy service that specializes in operationalizing AI ethics across product development and data life cycles. The interview was conducted in November ...