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Scientific method, Science, Research, Open research, Reproducibility, Academic publishing

@ipfconline1 shared
On Aug 23, 2022
RT @Analyticsindiam: #Tech Research is Facing a Replication Crisis and Everyone is Blaming Everyone @gp_pulipaka @ipfconline1 @TamaraMcCleary #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #IoT #IIoT #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode

Tech Research is Facing a Replication Crisis and Everyone is Blaming Everyone

AI already suffers from the black-box problem and the lack of transparency on research only aggravates the issue.

@ipfconline1 shared
On Aug 23, 2022
RT @Analyticsindiam: #Tech Research is Facing a Replication Crisis and Everyone is Blaming Everyone @gp_pulipaka @ipfconline1 @TamaraMcCleary #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #IoT #IIoT #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
Tech Research is Facing a Replication Crisis and Everyone is Blaming Everyone

Tech Research is Facing a Replication Crisis and Everyone is Blaming Everyone

AI already suffers from the black-box problem and the lack of transparency on research only aggravates the issue.

Data meets science: Open access, code, datasets, and knowledge graphs for machine learning research and beyond

Data meets science: Open access, code, datasets, and knowledge graphs for machine learning research and beyond

A new interconnected ecosystem for research is shaping up, and machine learning is just the tip of the iceberg.

Building the foundation for future research through Open data, code and protocols

Building the foundation for future research through Open data, code and protocols

In this piece, we explore the components of that investigation that can support reproducibility by making research more easily verifiable: data, code, and protocols. Easily reproducible ...

Building an Open Research Community at Surrey

Building an Open Research Community at Surrey

How Surrey helps nurture and develop an Open Research culture within its researcher community

AI tool speeds up search for COVID-19 treatments and vaccines

AI tool speeds up search for COVID-19 treatments and vaccines

Northwestern University researchers are using artificial intelligence (AI) to speed up the search for COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. The AI-powered tool makes it possible to prioritize ...

AI Could Play Key Role in Sorting through COVID-19 Research

AI Could Play Key Role in Sorting through COVID-19 Research

A new study argues artificial intelligence will be a key tool in helping to evaluate the new barrage of new scientific research.

Furious AI researcher creates a list of non-reproducible machine learning papers

Furious AI researcher creates a list of non-reproducible machine learning papers

On February 14, a researcher who was frustrated with reproducing the results of a machine learning research paper opened up a Reddit account under the username ContributionSecure14 and ...

This simple AI could speed up the Covid-19 cure

This simple AI could speed up the Covid-19 cure

Using millions of research papers, scientists have trained an AI to help better predict how well research can be replicated, potentially helping find a Covid-19 cure.

Ideas on how to improve scientific research

Ideas on how to improve scientific research

Bridging the gap from scientific discovery to new products.

AI is wrestling with a replication crisis

AI is wrestling with a replication crisis

Last month Nature published a damning response written by 31 scientists to a study from Google Health that had appeared in the journal earlier this year. Google was describing successful ...

One researcher’s mission to encourage reproducibility in machine learning

One researcher’s mission to encourage reproducibility in machine learning

To encourage reproducibility in machine learning research, Papers Without Code, a new website, will regularly publish a list of unreproducible ML papers.

Transparency and reproducibility in artificial intelligence

Transparency and reproducibility in artificial intelligence

Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) hold enormous potential as it can automate complex tasks and go even beyond human performance. In their study, McKinney et al. showed the high ...

Artificial Intelligence Accelerates Search for COVID-19 Treatments

Artificial Intelligence Accelerates Search for COVID-19 Treatments

Researchers are using an artificial intelligence-powered tool to determine which COVID-19-related research will yield valuable results.

Ending the Reproducibility Crisis

Ending the Reproducibility Crisis

Could an artificial intelligence-powered tool change the incentives to help fix the reproducibility crisis in biomedicine?

Nvidia launches Project MONAI AI framework for health care research in alpha

Nvidia launches Project MONAI AI framework for health care research in alpha

Medical researchers from China, Germany, and the U.S. contributed to MONAI, an AI framework being tied into Nvidia's Clara medical imaging tools.

BLOOM Is the Most Important AI Model of the Decade

BLOOM Is the Most Important AI Model of the Decade

Not DALL·E 2, not PaLM, not AlphaZero, not even GPT-3.

Assessing Markers of Reproducibility and Transparency in Smoking Behaviour Change Intervention Evaluations

Assessing Markers of Reproducibility and Transparency in Smoking Behaviour Change Intervention Evaluations

<i>Introduction</i>. Activities promoting research reproducibility and transparency are crucial for generating trustworthy evidence. Evaluation of smoking interventions is one area where ...

Theme Editor's Introduction to Reproducibility and Replicability in Science

Theme Editor's Introduction to Reproducibility and Replicability in Science

The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) recently published a consensus report: Reproducibility and Replicability in Science (NASEM, 2019), a summary of which is ...