What the Blog? is an Essentials video series discussing what’s next for the AI industry, and what we’re all dying to know: Will AI take over the world? Editors Isabella Moulton and Martin Jacobsz bring you a snappy summary of articles directly from our expertly curated AI Essentials Newsletters.

Our first article discusses the latest trends within artificial intelligence news and what we need to know about AI. With AI having a greater presence in every aspect of our lives, from facial recognition software, to law enforcement, and even for hiring decisions in the corporate world, people are starting to worry. Facial recognition algorithms have been at the center of privacy and AI ethics debates for some time. Digital rights groups across the US, UK and EU have already raised many issues prompted by advances in AI research and machine learning, and these include privacy violations, ethical concerns, and even a lack of human control over AI... Read it here.

Our second article talks about the dangers of language AI (when AI is used to create a new sequence of text from analyzing inputted text from a human). Studies reveal that language models can produce sexist, racist and even abusive ideas, not to mention contribute to the spreading of “fake news”. With the era of misinformation alive and well, large language models (LLMs) are causing some serious debates within the ethics of AI-- so what’s next for the future of robotics and AI? We’ll just have to wait and find out. Check out our blog here.