While AI could eventually help us solve world hunger, as well as end the spread of disease and poverty, it could also lead to the loss of privacy on a mass scale and police states under constant surveillance. To prepare for this quickly evolving world, and to quote Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, it’s time to “Teach Your Children”. By demystifying AI for our children in their early years, they will be better accustomed to both the possibilities, as well as the dangers of AI, which will build their confidence when they start interacting with this technology as adults.

Why should every child learn about artificial intelligence?

At this stage, it is almost certain our future will be an AI dependent one. Our children are not only likely to use AI in their everyday home life, but also during their educational journey and later on during their careers. They will also be exposed to AI on a mass scale in regards to government surveillance and living in the smart cities of the future. For this reason, it’s important we educate them about the pros and cons of AI, as well as AI ethics early on, to better prepare them for the kind of world they will be living in.

The future will very much be one where machines and the human brain are fused. Right now we have the possibility to equip our children with the right tools and knowledge to take the AI-run world by storm. AI can teach them how to better problem solve, boost their imagination, and gain early exposure to technology and big data, to better prepare them for the next generation of jobs. Most importantly? By being exposed to AI at a young age, they will also be better prepared to handle matters if AI dependency gets out of control.

AI for kids is already here

AI-powered educational tools and robotics for kids are already growing sectors, with companies aiming to introduce AI to children at a young age. Forbes contributor and AI expert Ronald Schmelzer points out “in the not too distant future, you can expect that AI and machine learning will be a core part of all educational experiences.” Buckle up, we’re about to get on one interesting ride.

Talk to us: Do you think children should be introduced to AI at a young age to prepare them for a very likely AI-dependent future? Why or why not?

Read the original article here.

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