Artificial intelligence technology has infiltrated our lives-- lucky for us, mostly for good reasons... so far. Artificial Intelligence in healthcare has been used to detect the early stages of cancer and even perform surgeries with little human intervention. Artificial intelligence is even being used to fly planes on auto-pilot, and may soon be used to steer personal air taxis too... The truth is, with artificial intelligence evolving at such exponential rates, our future could be disastrous if we don't get our technological dependence under control. The real question is: how far is too far when it comes to artificial intelligence technology?

Artificial Intelligence’s exponential growth: Can we stop it?

It's predicted that in the next decade, virtually all aspects of technology will experience more change than we’ve seen in the last 100 years. Read that again. What was previously seen as science fiction, is now science fact. The truth is, we really don't know where technology is taking us as a society, and that is a very real danger. Tech is big business, and the question is not even can we stop it, but are we as a society, driven by profits, even willing to stop it?

The real price of Artificial Intelligence technology

Each time we use technology, we gain access to features which generally improve our lives (to some capacity), in exchange for something perhaps even more valuable: our freedom. What’s more, we don’t know the true price of leaving technology unchecked: what kind of world will our children grow up in, if we continue on our current path?

Almost every other sector is regulated, except the one that has managed to infiltrate virtually every crevice of our society: the exponential use of technology. It’s vital that humans remain in the loop (HITL), so that our society doesn’t dehumanise at exponential rates too... Too much of a good thing exists, and it may very well be our future if we don’t change the current path we’re on.

Regulating Artificial Intelligence technology

Given the clear risks of leaving artificial intelligence technology unchecked, it's important our society implements some form of regulation... and quickly. What’s seen as a positive development today, may become our achilles heel in 10 years. So far, the technology sector has been largely driven by profits, but we as a society need to start looking beyond that, and make ethical choices. A Digital Ethics Council enables us to do this, by ensuring digitalisation is held accountable for morally correct action.

We need to start thinking about the real price of our technological dependence. What kind of world do we want to leave for the next generation? To quote Led Zeppelin, "there's still time to change the road you’re on." The only question is if we as a society have the strength to push aside profits, for our future wellbeing.

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