50 years from now

Future of Universe News

50 years from now, will life be possible outside of Planet Earth? Will we have settled on new planets, even for a short stay? Will we have discovered new exoplanets beyond the solar system?

Artificial intelligence, Sentience, Cognitive architecture, Sapience, Computer vision, Consciousness

@JasonSilva shared
On Jun 22, 2022
RT @thoughtland: Cyborgs and centaurs (doing a catwalk strut on the moon). “Oh, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, that has such people in ‘t!” https://t.co/2pbeOuKkOs https://t.co/mvMBXB4KgX

The World’s Smartest Artificial Intelligence Just Made Its First Magazine Cover

The technology behind DALL-E 2 is already reshaping the world as you know it—perhaps most literally with this magazine cover you’re looking at. Are you ready for what comes next?

@JasonSilva shared
On Jun 22, 2022
RT @thoughtland: Cyborgs and centaurs (doing a catwalk strut on the moon). “Oh, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, that has such people in ‘t!” https://t.co/2pbeOuKkOs https://t.co/mvMBXB4KgX
The World’s Smartest Artificial Intelligence Just Made Its First Magazine Cover

The World’s Smartest Artificial Intelligence Just Made Its First Magazine Cover

The technology behind DALL-E 2 is already reshaping the world as you know it—perhaps most literally with this magazine cover you’re looking at. Are you ready for what comes next?

How DALL-E could power a creative revolution

How DALL-E could power a creative revolution

Every few years, a technology comes along that splits the world neatly into before and after.

‘Sentient’ artificial intelligence: Have we reached peak AI hype?

‘Sentient’ artificial intelligence: Have we reached peak AI hype?

AI experts wonder whether discussing whether LaMDA should be treated as a Google employee means we have reached 'peak AI hype.' 

The Importance of a Global AI Academy

The Importance of a Global AI Academy

The COVID-19 crisis has accelerated the need for new knowledge, competences and 

The dangerous fallacy of sentient AI

The dangerous fallacy of sentient AI

Ignore the Silicon Valley messiahs. They only expose how little most of us know about the technology and its ethics.

Council Post: Reflecting On The Cost Of Our Dream To Build The Coveted General AI

Council Post: Reflecting On The Cost Of Our Dream To Build The Coveted General AI

Since 2012, the amount of computing power in training large models has been increasing exponentially with a 3.4 month doubling time.

New AI Technology Generates Astounding Images with Just a Few Words of Text

New AI Technology Generates Astounding Images with Just a Few Words of Text

Tell DALL-E 2 to create an image of an “astronaut riding a horse” and it’ll have it to you in no time.

No, Google's AI is not sentient

No, Google's AI is not sentient

Tech companies are constantly hyping the capabilities of their ever-improving artificial intelligence. But Google was quick to shut down claims that one of its programs had advanced so much ...



And in Dubai there was forward momentum on flying taxis, while Amazon made news as it was granted regulatory approval in the US to make drone deliveries. Kelsey Warner Future Editor The Big ...

Why “stealth research” is the bane of scientific inquiry

Why “stealth research” is the bane of scientific inquiry

First Theranos, and now AI researchers, are being opaque about their work. Should we trust them? 

‘Sentient’ chatbot story shows why it’s time for A.I. to retire the Turing Test

‘Sentient’ chatbot story shows why it’s time for A.I. to retire the Turing Test

It posited that a machine could be said to be intelligent if it could succeed at a contest Turing called “the imitation game.” The game involved a human having a dialogue with a ...

DALL-E 2, the future of AI research, and OpenAI’s business model

DALL-E 2, the future of AI research, and OpenAI’s business model

OpenAI's DALL-E 2 shows how far the AI research community has come toward harnessing the power of deep learning and addressing some of its limits.

What Could DALL·E Mean for the Future of Creativity?

What Could DALL·E Mean for the Future of Creativity?

Research lab OpenAI’s new AI DALL·E 2 is so good at producing images that it could quickly find a home as part of the production process.

Does this AI know it’s alive?

Does this AI know it’s alive?

A Google engineer became convinced a large language model had become sentient and touched off a debate about how we should think about artificial intelligence.

Google has mapped a piece of human brain in the most detail ever

Google has mapped a piece of human brain in the most detail ever

Around 4000 nerve fibres connect to this single neuronGoogle/Lichtman Laboratory By  Michael Marshall Google has helped create the most detailed map yet of the connections within the human ...

Did Google Just Create the World’s First Sentient AI?

Did Google Just Create the World’s First Sentient AI?

Around 2015, Artificial Intelligence entered mega industries the way the mysterious kid who just transferred from the high school across town enters a

Resisting the urge to be impressed, knowing what we talk about when we talk about AI

Resisting the urge to be impressed, knowing what we talk about when we talk about AI

A brief history of recent advances in AI, what they mean, and why you should care -- or not.

Google engineer believes chatbot AI is sentient

Google engineer believes chatbot AI is sentient

Blake Lemoine, a senior software engineer at Google, has been placed on paid leave by the company after claiming that one of its AI programs might have feelings and emotions.

Towards artificial general intelligence via a multimodal foundation model

Towards artificial general intelligence via a multimodal foundation model

Artificial intelligence approaches inspired by human cognitive function have usually single learned ability. The authors propose a multimodal foundation model that demonstrates the ...