50 years from now

Future of the Universe News

50 years from now, will life be possible outside of Planet Earth? Will we have settled on new planets, even for a short stay? Will we have discovered new exoplanets beyond the solar system?

#trend #climatechange #globalwarming #ClimateEmergency #climate #trends
History of climate, Climate, Human, Holocene, Global warming, Climate change

@future_timeline shared
On Oct 10, 2022
A timeline of global warming, 10,000 BC-2100 AD Based on current trend in global emissions: Today = 1.0°C 2034 = 1.5°C 2048 = 2.0°C 2100 = 2.9°C ▶️ Read more: https://t.co/eTqbL9fZem #globalwarming #climatechange #climate #ClimateEmergency #trend #trends @PCarterClimate https://t.co/2dMabYrANz

A timeline of global warming, 10,000 BC-2100 AD

This graph shows how global average temperatures have changed over the millennia – from the end of the ice age, to the Industrial Revolution and through to the present day, with a future projection to 2100.

@future_timeline shared
On Oct 10, 2022
A timeline of global warming, 10,000 BC-2100 AD Based on current trend in global emissions: Today = 1.0°C 2034 = 1.5°C 2048 = 2.0°C 2100 = 2.9°C ▶️ Read more: https://t.co/eTqbL9fZem #globalwarming #climatechange #climate #ClimateEmergency #trend #trends @PCarterClimate https://t.co/2dMabYrANz
A timeline of global warming, 10,000 BC-2100 AD

A timeline of global warming, 10,000 BC-2100 AD

This graph shows how global average temperatures have changed over the millennia – from the end of the ice age, to the Industrial Revolution and through to the present day, with a future ...

Climate change: fake news or global threat? These are the facts

Climate change: fake news or global threat? These are the facts

The impact of humans on Earth is unparalleled, with scientists arguing our actions have tipped the planet into a new era - the Anthropocene - with fallout from nuclear bombs now written ...

Climate is warming faster than it has in the last 2,000 years

Climate is warming faster than it has in the last 2,000 years

A new study says the warming we've seen in the past 100 years is unprecedented, when compared to the past 2,000 years.

Major new paleoclimatology study shows global warming has upended 6,500 years of cooling

Major new paleoclimatology study shows global warming has upended 6,500 years of cooling

Over the past 150 years, global warming has more than undone the global cooling that occurred over the past six millennia, according to a major study published June 30 in Nature Research's ...

Current Warming Is Unparalleled in Past 2,000 Years

Current Warming Is Unparalleled in Past 2,000 Years

Today’s climate change is unique in its global scale compared to other historic periods

Born in the ice age, humankind now faces the age of fire – and Australia is on the frontline

Born in the ice age, humankind now faces the age of fire – and Australia is on the frontline

The bushfires and the plague are symptoms of something momentous unfolding on Earth – an acceleration of our impact on nature

Humans have ‘stressed out’ Earth far longer, and more dramatically, than realized

Humans have ‘stressed out’ Earth far longer, and more dramatically, than realized

A study of ancient pollen reveals that millennia of human activities transformed Earth's ecosystems as quickly as when the Ice Age ended.

The Anthropocene: conceptual and historical perspectives

The Anthropocene: conceptual and historical perspectives

The human imprint on the global environment has now become so large and active that it rivals some of the great forces of Nature in its impact on the functioning of the Earth system. ...

Unique climate change has no natural cause

Unique climate change has no natural cause

The planet is warming faster than ever, worldwide. Scientists know this unique climate change is not caused by nature. But they checked again, to be certain.