50 years from now

Future of Technologies News

50 years from now, what will be the breakthrough technologies that will have a disruptive impact on our lives?

Sentience, Sapience, Cognitive architecture, Computer vision, Human, Artificial intelligence

@David_Gunkel shared
On Jun 20, 2022
Why both sides in the #LaMDA debate are wrong: "Because we have no idea what human consciousness is; there is no functioning falsifiable thesis of consciousness, just a bunch of vague notions. @TheAtlantic https://t.co/owA3IxHEHw

Artificial Consciousness Is Boring

The reality of AI is something harder to comprehend.

@David_Gunkel shared
On Jun 20, 2022
Why both sides in the #LaMDA debate are wrong: "Because we have no idea what human consciousness is; there is no functioning falsifiable thesis of consciousness, just a bunch of vague notions. @TheAtlantic https://t.co/owA3IxHEHw
Artificial Consciousness Is Boring

Artificial Consciousness Is Boring

The reality of AI is something harder to comprehend.

Does this AI know it’s alive?

Does this AI know it’s alive?

A Google engineer became convinced a large language model had become sentient and touched off a debate about how we should think about artificial intelligence.

The Imitation of Consciousness: On the Present and Future of Natural Language Processing

The Imitation of Consciousness: On the Present and Future of Natural Language Processing

1. In May 2018, Sundar Pichai of Google announced that their artificial intelligence, Duplex AI, had passed the Turing test. A robotic assistant could make an appointment in a voice that ...

Opinion We warned Google that people might believe AI was sentient. Now it’s happening.

Opinion We warned Google that people might believe AI was sentient. Now it’s happening.

The hype is distracting from the real pitfalls of bots that mimic humans, risks that many companies would rather ignore.

Is LaMDA Mount Everest?

Is LaMDA Mount Everest?

Considering the Google engineer who believes a chatbot is sentient

Artificial Intelligence: Does Consciousness Matter?

Artificial Intelligence: Does Consciousness Matter?

Artificial Intelligence: Does Consciousness Matter?Consciousness plays an important role in debates around the mind-body problem, the controversy over strong versus weak artificial ...

This Stanford researcher isn’t worried about Google’s ‘sentient’ chatbot: A truly sentient AI could be ’50 years’ away

This Stanford researcher isn’t worried about Google’s ‘sentient’ chatbot: A truly sentient AI could be ’50 years’ away

Google recently suspended an engineer who became convinced that the company's AI-powered chatbot had achieved sentience. AI experts say that's not the case – and likely won't be for ...

AI concepts for beginners: Recceing the origins of machine consciousness

AI concepts for beginners: Recceing the origins of machine consciousness

Artificial consciousness theory aims to "define what if we found consciousness in a machine."

Did Google make conscious AI?

Did Google make conscious AI?

A Google employee's claim that the company's AI chatbot is conscious is raising concerns about Big Tech’s lack of transparency around its technology and the ease with which people can be ...

What Game of Thrones can teach us about AI

What Game of Thrones can teach us about AI

‘We alone own the direction of AI, as we are its creators; we must come together to guide its positive evolution’

The dangerous fallacy of sentient AI

The dangerous fallacy of sentient AI

Ignore the Silicon Valley messiahs. They only expose how little most of us know about the technology and its ethics.

Artificial Consciousness: How To Give A Robot A Soul

Artificial Consciousness: How To Give A Robot A Soul

Could a machine ever become truly sentient? Right now, scientists can't even agree on whether that question matters.

Featured News | AI sleep app to end sleeping pills | AI to transform workplaces | Cracking our consciousness with AI

Featured News | AI sleep app to end sleeping pills | AI to transform workplaces | Cracking our consciousness with AI

AI news from around the world carefully selected every week by the team of SwissCognitive. Stay up to date!

Why do we really need AI?

Why do we really need AI?

Maybe the deepest reason why people pursue AI

How These Self-Aware Robots Are Redefining Consciousness

How These Self-Aware Robots Are Redefining Consciousness

What does it mean for a robot to be self-aware? That's exactly what this robotics lab is investigating as they embark on a quest towards artificial conscious...

Artificial General Imaginaries

Artificial General Imaginaries

What if AGI is just one big thought-terminating rabbit hole?

The Role of Knowledge Graphs in Artificial Intelligence

The Role of Knowledge Graphs in Artificial Intelligence

How do knowledge graphs influence artificial intelligence? Here's how looking at the relat