50 years from now

Future of Humanity News

50 years from now, how will human beings look like? Will we all have chips in the brain? Will our soul be encapsulated in digital minds? Will longevity's fantasy come true? What will be the breakthrough discoveries made by medicine?

#AI #artificalintelligence #DeepLearning #Impossible #MachineLearning #Superintelligent
Turing machine, Computer programming, Algorithm, Computer science, Computer, Alan Turing

@joemckendrick shared
On Sep 19, 2022
RT @SpirosMargaris: Research Shows that #Superintelligent #AI is #Impossible to be #Controlled https://t.co/d6esfAjLz0 #fintech #AI #artificalintelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning @Analyticsindiam @ipfconline1 @HeinzVHoenen @WhiteheartVic @Nicochan33 @Fabriziobustama @darioandriani https://t.co/BCByBq0YxI

Research Shows that Superintelligent AI is Impossible to be Controlled

The authors cite that implementing a rule for artificial intelligence to "cause no harm to humans" would not be an option if humans cannot predict the scenarios that an AI may come up with.

@joemckendrick shared
On Sep 19, 2022
RT @SpirosMargaris: Research Shows that #Superintelligent #AI is #Impossible to be #Controlled https://t.co/d6esfAjLz0 #fintech #AI #artificalintelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning @Analyticsindiam @ipfconline1 @HeinzVHoenen @WhiteheartVic @Nicochan33 @Fabriziobustama @darioandriani https://t.co/BCByBq0YxI
Research Shows that Superintelligent AI is Impossible to be Controlled

Research Shows that Superintelligent AI is Impossible to be Controlled

The authors cite that implementing a rule for artificial intelligence to "cause no harm to humans" would not be an option if humans cannot predict the scenarios that an AI may come up with.

Calculations Show It'll Be Impossible to Control a Super-Intelligent AI

Calculations Show It'll Be Impossible to Control a Super-Intelligent AI

The idea of artificial intelligence overthrowing humankind has been talked about for many decades, and scientists have just delivered their verdict on whether we'd be able to control a ...

Scientists ran an experiment to prove a super intelligent AI couldn’t be controlled

Scientists ran an experiment to prove a super intelligent AI couldn’t be controlled

Control is an illusion, and historically the smartest species has always wiped out less capable species,  so people are worried that's what AI could do to humanity.

Calculations Show It'll Be Impossible To Control a Super-Intelligent AI

Calculations Show It'll Be Impossible To Control a Super-Intelligent AI

schwit1 shares a report from ScienceAlert: [S]cientists have just delivered their verdict on whether we'd be able to control a high-level computer super-intelligence. The answer? Almost ...

Humans wouldn't be able to control a superintelligent AI, according to a new study

Humans wouldn't be able to control a superintelligent AI, according to a new study

Not only does the research suggest humans wouldn't be able to control machines — we may not even know when superintelligent machines have arrived.

Super-Intelligent AI is Hard to Control, According to Researchers | Here's Why it's Beyond Human Comprehension

Super-Intelligent AI is Hard to Control, According to Researchers | Here's Why it's Beyond Human Comprehension

According to recent research, high-level AIs can be hard to control by humans. Learn more about this report and find out why it's beyond human understanding.

A New Study Finds the Limits of Humans' Ability to Control AI

A New Study Finds the Limits of Humans' Ability to Control AI

Already, machines perform tasks we can't understand how they learned. And researchers claim that an algorithm containing AI has proven "incomputable."

Containment algorithms won’t stop super-intelligent AI, scientists warn

Containment algorithms won’t stop super-intelligent AI, scientists warn

Computer scientists used theoretical calculations to show it would be impossible to build an algorithm that could control super-intelligent machines.

Who Can Name the Bigger Number?

Who Can Name the Bigger Number?

Suppose a Turing machine had a magical ability to solve the Halting Problem, and the super Halting Problem, and the super duper Halting Problem, and the super duper pooper Halting Problem, ...

The Great Pretender: Turing as a Philosopher of Imitation

The Great Pretender: Turing as a Philosopher of Imitation

Such is Turing's legacy: that of a nested chain of pretenses, each pointing not to reality, but to the caricature of another idea, device, individual, or concept.

“Magic: The Gathering” is officially the world’s most complex game

“Magic: The Gathering” is officially the world’s most complex game

A new proof with important implications for game theory shows that no algorithm can possibly determine the winner.

Marks: Computers Only Compute and Thinking Needs More Than That

Marks: Computers Only Compute and Thinking Needs More Than That

Dr. Marks points out that Nobelist Roger Penrose, a great scientist, differs with late colleague Stephen Hawking. He thinks human thought is non-computable.

Alan Turing

Alan Turing

Alan Turing, British mathematician and logician, a major contributor to mathematics, cryptanalysis, computer science, and artificial intelligence. He invented the universal Turing machine, ...

A Computer Science Proof Holds Answers for Math and Physics

A Computer Science Proof Holds Answers for Math and Physics

An advance in our understanding of quantum computing offers stunning solutions to problems that have long puzzled mathematicians and physicists.